Friday, February 27, 2009



akhirnye, udh ktauan gak name abe jntn 2..hehe..nme die cm nme kwn ak..start wit 'F'..bkn fuck..igt!! hahaah..ske phak frh...hahah..skunk nie..dh tau dh..nme msing2..ak nye tolak tpi..hahah..yay frh!!! haahah..Alhamdulillah tibe2 dtg keberanian ut tny abg j ko 2..bangge siot dpt tau nme die..hahaha..


p/s: ak tau ko ske frh..

Saturday, February 21, 2009

my emotions all tis while, b4 dat, lately, rite now, myb tomorrow n d next day..

m feelin : sux, fuck, destroyed, sad, emo, sensitive, demolished, crushed, angry, mad, hate, rebel, revenge, stupid, breakin into pieces, dead, sway, lyk a jackass, spoiled, drunk, disbelief, torn, hypocrit, creep, crap, lyk a single paramecium, silent, hiding, avoiding, packed, sacked, lied, scared, weird, ackward, stabbed, shot, cut, disrespected, acidic, negative, burnt, lost, stuck, scammed, hacked, gone, cracked, pain, disgusted, annoyed, x centered, angsty, bullied, cynical, sarcastic, hit to d ground, slammed, black, blocked, messed, blustery, running away, betrayed, ashamed, blah, blank, exhausted, fried, silly, shocked, sick, tired, xsatisfied, rejected, depressed, distracted, pissed off, pessimistic, numb, confused, irritated n bla3..

at d same time m : happy, grateful, crazee, alive, cool, calm, centered, awake, smile, motivated, thoughtful, wishful, grown, matured, touched, respectful, free, chill, loved, adored, colourful, opened, excited, relieved, okay, bouncy, blissful, breezy, joy, good, high, hyper n bla3...

p/s: dont ask me d 21questions...

Friday, February 13, 2009

sje je..FRH! JGN MUNTAH!!

so sweeeeeettttt..hehehe

beralih arah..???

haluuu..hahah..ak xtau npe but i was thinkin dat now, i mean tis sem, kmi brempat sudah beralih arah..about guyz..sume dh tgode dgn laki len lak..tgode?? hahah..sume dh mule 2kar dh..las sem a.k.a las season org len, skunk len..haha..kte pke ikot season kot..season peak..hahaha..ketare..same ad men2 o tol2..i shud consider it as importante..coz..its funny as it flows thru..most of us(wic r kte 4 org nie je..yg len x msok..) take tis thg as sje2 but klo dpt 2 nmenye rezeki..tol x?? tol la!! tol la!! tol la!! hahah..mke, mari kte intro n kne kan sorg..dh gatal sgt kot..mslh dak2 zmn skunk nie!! hahaha..mri mulekan..:

ida - plg ketare..season 1 (sem 1) nk ke daddy yankee rompe2 2..season 2 nk ke kamz/kambeng..dok mngembek x abes2..season 3  wic refers 2 now is nurul..bkn pompuan but slh!! jntn kt nye..nmpk x flow?? meh ak tnjk..DADDY YANKEE --> KAMBENG --> NURUL.. hahaha!! siap fantasy2 dh psl nurul 2..ak pon la..kgiatan org pe nk msok cmpor..zmn kamz dlu, mkn kamz pon xleh..skunk nie..hine die cm kambeng tpi nurul..bsrkan lg bontot ko 2..mst ida lg ske..n btw, dh ad progress..dh men snym2 dh dgn ida..lgr lari dh pon d jlnkan..bsory2 lak 2..hahah...xtdo mlm ida time ari planggaran 2..hahah..ko dh laminate blom bju 2?? tkot sgt org pgg nju die..(bks c laki die lgr 2) haha..lnx..jnji ko gumbire..ak gumbire..heheh

lisa - gudbye azdi,hello tupai!! haha..2 bru intro..skunk nie, die dh tjtoh n tsadung ati kat c ANAK TUPAI 2..hehe..ske ye?? liht die pke kemeje n tsnym pd mu?? u lykkk?? hahaha...lisa, ble dh couple nnt, slalo2 la pke heel 10 inci..nk bg sme tnggi..pke platform pon leh..hehe..cian u coz xdpt jmpe/tgk/usya/lihat n bla3, ble pluang dh smpe, jgn biarkan je tau..tis goes 2 IDA too..die dh mule recognise u(dh lame dh pon) but kli nie, cube bt kwn dgn die..kte x tau..kot2 he hv d same feelin, thoughts o wateva stuff dgn u..gib it a try..kwn sudeyh..xkan nk kapel tros?? ye ke idak?? haha..mke, cube la dekati..esp, since ad clz yg sme nie, cube2 la cucok line..hahah..bikin gua pns jeee!!! 2 line len..jgn..line spt maxis digi celcom pon jgn..telekom pon ak merapek nie?? u tau la pe mksod i kan?? IDA pon same..igt 2!!!  (tis wont apply 2 / 4 me) hehe..

frh - die nie len cte sket..die ske attack lki bbontot (spt ida)..xphm ak dgn korg nie..xpe..ak sokong je..he is called as abg bontot then abg bontot sexy then jntn n then, finally ABG JNTN..hehe..bak kt frh n ida, sum guyz r jntn n ors r juz laki..theirs r jntn la..tulen la konon..hahaha..frh sudeyh muv a step 4ward 2 call him abg despite dat she neve n wont talk/look at him in his eyes..hehe..malo la konon..menci ak..muv yg ak mksod kan adla dlu i u i u but now abe..bkn abrhm lincoln but abg in knlntn.."abg" la..bjet ko binik die?? haha.. btw,dh ad pluang, bjet mlo..kot2 la die bg pluang ko squeeze d botox..ops..slh! bontot..hehe...xoffense but ak rse die suntik la weyh..silicon o vit c o mybe botox..len mcm ak tgk..suar jeans pon ketat kat c 2 je kot..len2..hahah..unik!!! haha..

finally, stlh malokn n spread cte n pape je la psl kwn2, its my time!! haha..

ak - ak rse ak dh bralih arh 2 kissable..las time is ak sndri pon xigt..ak ske ati je men ubh ati n prsn ak..ak rse kissable ad org len?? ntah lnx la..wat do i care!! haha..dlm sume, ak rse ak je la yg punyai less info psl mmt nie..tlampau loner la mmt nie..secretive sgt kot..mmbr pon cm xde je..grg/ sensitive sgt kot..bak kt frh, "bjet loner la? bjet hebat la?? bjet beber die cm 2, die jmbu la??" bnyk lg..bjet suci la bjet pe la..lnx la..yg pntg, plg ak hangit, frh kt die KETOT?? igt hj kemetot ke?? ke ko jls?? sbb die cute?? cm ak?? hahaah..bluekk...kiut ke??pucat cm myt..hahah..n i do agree d part where he got x bontot..haha..xkesah..die nmpk innocent kot..diff gle from ak yg bnyk mlot, xtau mlo, krg adb, n ngaku..xpe..FARAH jgn muntah!! ak tau, ble dgr, lihat o pape je la psl kissable, ko akn spt bluek!! wlopon dpn ak..rjok ati ku ble ko bt gtu..hahaha..lnx ko la..ko nk stare dgn grgnye wit ur scary eyes kat die pon ak x kesah..bior die tkot sket dgn ko..bior die tau, ko nie bodyguard ak..hehe..kiddin..

btw, b4 i 4got..frh, ak rse, 1 of d 3s 2 juz is lyky2 u..yg tinggi, bju putih n agk ok gak muke die 2..kco2 2 adlh spt mukadimah..hehhe..jgn mraaahh haaaaa..hehe..


p/s: wahai kaom2 laki..bsedia la..kmi akn mgegar idop n taik anda sume!!!!!


lame gak ak x update blog..since ak blik melake..umm..nuttin much..kte cte psl study je la..x midterm for tis sem..diorg nk bt xperiment kat ktorg yg d ibaratkan as specimens..hurray but x 2 hurray..hurray coz xyah nk study rite now..leh tumpu kat esemen will be like me.. gle babeng..punye la bnyk..2 3 for a subj!! wtf?? xplik ke?? prsntation pon sme..sakai gle kot..xleh blah..try la nk dpt kan bnyk sket marks 4 both..nk cover tkot paper biol lak..dh la xtau markin scheme lecturer2..sat lg tkang2 lak ak..mker..cube sdye upaye utk jd rjin bt esemen..

utk subj english = ple 0025..kne bt drama..xke sakai?? ak ske's lyk a sumtg dat u can call as a dream comes true..ak dpt blkon!! heheh..d thg is script, prop n bla3 kne bt sndri..tjok cte is The Enormous Radio..its sounds bluek n d cte is very tgk kat u serious..dh zmn dlu kot...xpe la..old school..haha..its gonna b fun n happenin n interestin n 1 thg..yg ak xleh escape..ak tkot ak neves coz ak sesungguh nye pemalo..seriously..frh ida n lisa, jgn glak..sungguh weyhh..ak nie pmalo..sat lg ak merapu, xikot bt ayt sndrik kang..hehe..malo mslh nye, org akn kt, " ko nie bio btol! pmalo ke?? tau ke mksd malo 2??" kjaammmm..hahah..tgk le keadaan nye..ok kot..ntah le..script akn d bt xlame lg..its gunna b huge..4 us..hehe..oh!! lupe..dlm drama 2 ad ak frh ida lisa syida n akn jd wtk jntn?? frh la..coz die ad abg 'jntn'..hahaha..nnt ak cte bab 2..

utk bisnes = pbu kne bt bisnes..i mean a real 1..jual2 gonna b fun..but exhaustin also..bdsrkan pngalamn..hehe..mke..kmi akn bncgkan la bab nie nnt..coz kne combine anor definitely, x jual2 dri (idea frh..)..frh kt klo xde idea sgt, jual je dri..ida esp..hehe..ske ak..kye kot..rm 5 per tgk..spe xnk?? u noe wat i meant rite?? (2 ida n frh..) hehehe..

dah! fin!

p/s: ak mule mnyengal..