Thursday, December 31, 2009


well3..hello there ppl of d seems that we are approaching 2010..a brand new year..n so..m wishing all of u a very HAPPY NEW YEAR..hahaha..feeling lyk a female santa rite new year's resolution..urmm..i have none..yet..i guess..hahahah..well..last year's resolutions pon dah dun noe whether dh tcapai ke blom..but i said earlier, i'm spontaneous type of person..when i want it to happen, i'll make it happen..hopefully x delay..n x limit of time..nothing to aim..ok..x 2 say nothing, i have except it's the usuals..happiness, berkat from Allah swt, to be a better person, n bla3..n so..x limit in aiming sumtg..

life..i'm gud wif things happened all tis years..myb searching for more frens..maintaining wats already there..maybe pushing sumtg forward..pulling sumtg behind..i dun noe..hoping for less drama..though excitement always, i mean ALWAYS comes from there (drama)..hahaha..anyhow..i hope for d best..May Allah bless us cant wait for wat God will serve us all..dun make it too spicy..hahahaha..mild is enuff..

education..urmm..i guess nid better gpas, cgpas..hahah..well..hope so..laziness is so helping me..ahaha..

love..i dun put hope much..since i have no luck on these things, always..kinda bored n sick of it too..n too young for i dun mind..if 2010 is my love year, cool..if x, its ok..n bsides, if it makes more heartache to me, better to say no then..hahaha..i dun want to say any further..juz wait n c..heheheh..still..i luv u my bantal busok..hahahaha..

watever it is, juz wait..wait it to happen..n then..we can say bout it..ok?? but sum things shud be kept n not to say it..myb spray it..hahahaha


p/s: ppl always make their new year's resolutions..but will they eva get it right on time? NO..mostly..hahahahaah...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

bad luck, jinx, suwey, malang etc.

hello ppl..ok so..bblik kpd ari ak nk amek pper consti pd 29/12 ari tu..ari 2 pnoh dgn mlgnye..hahaha..well..mmg xbek la pcye bnde2 nie..mmg x cye sumpah suwey..hahaha..ok..ak mulekan cte nye..

so mule2..nk bgon la pg..coz nk grak kl..nk grak kol 9 la kt nye..mse nk bgon sket nye brat..xleh nk bgon lgsong kot..alarm pon cm x function..smpai mama pgel kli bpe ntah..pdhl mlm 2 tdo awl kot..urmm..slalonye mst la lg leh bgon..bknnye ak xtdo ke 2 la..ntah r..

then, d whole family was shocked wif sumtg..a secret i cant tell here..but it was lyk wtf?? cm 2..n so..fine..ak cm..ok..rilek..

so, nk grak la ke mlake tag plak xde..rupenye kat dlm kete yg mama bwk ari ok..kne la g kat opis mama, nk mnx kunci kete nk amek smart tag inside d car..otw nk ke opis mama 2, ak abh n abg btembung a 'parade'..not just a 'parade'..cina mati nye..hahaha..ok..bkn yg cine ske bt utk org mati 2..yg lalo kat kliling kawasan is so suwey!!!! very2 suwey..choi3!! abh dh cm..bengang dh..abg pon cm suwey gle..ak cm..kimak gak la..dh amek smart card sume tp dri atas ak nmpk 'parade' again..ak cm syial3!! 

so grak la ke mlake..stlh bgtu delay..mke..udah d highway..smpai senawang..klo x silap..but sumwhere in negeri 9..tbe2..tgh syok2 nie..kat lane kanan..tbe2..POMMM!!! krrrrrr!!! brek xleh nk ke lane pling kiri skali..yg emergency lane brek slowly..within few minutes ad org dtg tlg..kbtolan a mechanic..n also a peronda PLUS pon kbtolan 2 tlg la cek kan..die kt surh grak sket..klo leh,troskan..klo x, call die..mke nye adlah TIDAK! do peronda 2 kt biar kc lpas tos la..oh yes..time mletop 2 kol 12..tpat2 kot..n ak exam 2.30..haa..pkir la sndrik..

mke, stlh grak plhn2 ke sne..benti d tepi..2gu la org dtg..abh call mekanik die kt die send org ke ktorg..n kmi pon nek la tow truck..nek tow truck adlh a FUCKING SCARY experience..maw x nye..abh nek ngn org bwk truck..ak n abg stuck dlm kete..ktorg kne dudok ats truck 2..dh la kete ktorg tinggi..nek ats 2 pon tinggi..n die tinggikan lg level truck 2..babi dowh..dr x gayat stret gayat..dh la die nk bwk ke workshop 2, die gune jln kg..n tau je la jln kg 2 cm ne..n die dh la cm xpndai bg syial gle..abg kt its either we fall blah kiri or blah knn..siap sedia la..ak cm..babi2..kimak2..abg ak pon sme..ahaha..mulot cm sial dh..

smpai workshop 2..dh msokkan kete sume la..sblm 2 org 2 ad jnji akn kc kete spare diorg utk ktorg d time we arrived, msokkn kete dlm workshop 2, tbe2 mekanik dlm 2 (india, muda, hahahaha..leh thn la..utk farah..) kt kete spare 2 dh pon dbrikan pd org len..bengong!!

mke 2gu la ctu bpe lme ntah..n abg trigt die ad mmbr d he tried to him for a few times x brgkt..n suddenly..mmbr die call die..rupenye hp org 2 rosak..mke 2gu la mmt 2..die kt leh tlg anta kn ak ke mmu..ak cm nk 2gu die dtg 2 mau suffer dlu la..dh kol 1 dh..xdtg2 lg..abg cm klo x leh gak, sewe kete macha 2 la gak..dlm kol 1 suku mmt 2 dtg..ak risao gak kete pe die klo die bt gle, mau die bwk moto je kang..hahahaha..nseb die bwk harrier bapak die plak..ak men serkup je pe yg ad kn?? hahahaha..n so die anta ak g mmu..

smpai mmu 2 dh kol 2.10..ak cm..yer..xsmpt pon nk tgk2 blik notes dh..tlmbt tros msok exm..abes exm..2gu abh n abg kat abrar..pekena roti canai n teh o ais..pstu g la ke mc..nek bus n blik la ke kl..mke end nye d ctu..

so..tpulg la pd korg utk pkir these all as coincidence or pape ke..but..seyesly i hate dat much..bikin panas je..ak risao xdpt nk bt exm je..risau tau x? cm kimak je..muke ak je x gmbrkan pape time 2, tp dlm ati Allah je yg tau..sumpah sranah sume dh stiap kjadian ad hikmah nye..utk 2 ak syukor Alhamdulillah..xtau ak minx pd Tuhan agr xjd lg dh bnde2 nie..xmo la...


p/s: minx nye hari2 len lbeyh bhgie n thindar dr pkare x elok..amin..n gmbr ats 2 cntek lak ak ak rse 2 cover album..hahaha..ntah..ok..



yer..ak dh start cuti sem..a few days dh pon..but today bru trse nk tulis..Merry Xmas to all..sok plak nk new NEW YEAR..alah..sng cte..HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!! hahaha..hopefully in peace la holidays nie..hahaha..ak pon cm..ntah..klakar..hahaha..ok..klakar sbb smbel type post nie, smbel ak dok tgk cm..ak pon x tau pe yg ak type nie..hahaha.. bese..cuti 3 2minggu stgh? nth la..lbeyh kurg..xde plan sgt pon..except for, akn ikot parents ke kedah..for a few 2 je la..len2..ntah..mgkn ak abeskn mse tgk tb, muvies, on9, fb, novel la kot..ntah la..plan mmg xde..ak lbeyh ske spontan je kjadian..xde rncg2..hahahah..bhye2..

so..2 je la..xtau nk tulis pe lg..nt..klo ad idea..ak cte..n oh yes! 2 ari lpas adlh ari plg suwey ak pnah alami! haa..nt ak tulis..ak cte..hahaha..k..bye!


p/s: hajat nk tukar stokin xsmpai..xpe year la..i suppose..hahaah..

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I've got you

The world be a lonely place
Without the one that puts a smile on your face
So hold me 'til the sun burns out
I won't be lonely when I'm down

'Cause I've got you to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour seems much longer

I never doubted you at all
If the stars collide, will you stand by and watch them fall?
(by and watch them fall)
So hold me 'til the sky is clear
And whisper words of love right into my ear

'Cause I've got you to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour seems much longer
Yeah when I've got you
Oh to make me feel better
When the nights are long they'll be easier together

Looking in your eyes
Hoping they won't cry
And even if they do
I'll be in bed so close to you
To hold you through the night
And you'll be unaware
But if you need me I'll be there

Yeah I've got you
Oh to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour seems much longer
Yeah when I've got you
To make me feel better
When the nights are long they'll be easier together
Yeah when I've got you...

from left : tom, danny, dougie n harry

by McFly !!!!! I LUV DANNY N DOUGIE!!!! 

Sunday, December 6, 2009

fortune cookie..

hey! td ak men sorority..pastu die ad cm urmmm..fortune pe yg mnde 2 ckp..

"Before you meet a PRINCE you have to kiss a lot of toads."

i lyk that..sblm nk jmpe d one..u gotta face other ppl 1st..its x dat easy to find 'THE ONE"..d rite time n guy will come..after we met other ppl..who might x be dat, we'll appreciate more..n to understand things better..i guess..

but depends on dat person..n oh! definitely, tis cud apply to other things..if u want sumtg gud, u wud hv to use,go thru sumtg dat isnt dat gud..but sumday, u might get wat u've wished for.. susah2 dulu baru senang ..yeah..dats bout it..


p/s : blackberry..?? sounds nice..hehehe..

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


yes..heh?!! hello ak dh ckp yg i'll b back..ahahah..ok..tros trg luse ak ad midterm neha..1 haprak pon x bce lg..bkn bjet hebat, tp ak cm xphm npe perlu ad subj cyber law..ia sndrik x exist sbg law..ah..lnx la..sumhow..kne bljr gak..

ok la..back 2 topic..ak smmgnye tkjot, hairan, musykil, wonder, plik, weird, tpkir n bla3..psl ap, ak xnk bgtau..mgkn yg tau 2, tau la..but wtf?? pe yg ko cube nk bt kat ak huh!! ak rse cm 2..hahahaah..dah2 la..ko nie nk kt cm parasit, x..nk kt alga pon x..gedik r!!! cm 2..hahaha..ko x melekat kat ko cm nk melekat kat ak..hahaha..hesh..tros trg, ak xtau pe motif la..mmg la agk2 la..ak dh tertny2 motif ko cm 2..cube ko ckp pe yg ko nk dri ak..kan sng..nie smpe org len pon nek heran pe yg ko cube lakukan..mkin ari mkin plik..xla plik la..kdg2 cm normal je pe yg ko bt tp kdg2 ak rse..hesh!! hahaha..xkan la smpe cm nie..?? i mean, it's 2..sbnrnye, ko nk attach kan dri ko kat ak ke? hahahaah..xleh blah..pastu, ad je alternatif 2..method yg d gunakan..utk bkomunikasi..xleh a, gune b..xleh b, gune c..rilek la..xkn sehari xbkomunikasi ko dh rse ak hilg?? hahahah..ok..ak now, psti ad yg dh phm mksod ak..dh dpt bce spe n ape yg blaku..hahahaah..

but seyesly..ak dh cube utk slow down..ok..yg mne ak start, ok la..fine..xpe 2..yg dtg dri ko nie..hahaha..ak dh weird ari 2..ak blik..trg2 ak blik..n i guess ko pon tau..mseh ko tny..mne ak..ak rye kat mne..hahaha..ko nie..cumel la! rindu ak yer?? alolololooo..hahahaha..meh cnie meh..mai kat mak meh..hahaha..sket2 cri prob sket cri ak..hahaha..klakar la ko 1 point ak rse btol kt farah..iaitu..dlm list idop ko ad ak..dlm list idop ak, ad ko..hahaah..i feel touched..hahahahaha..kni ak yakin, yg sbnrnye ko sntiasa tbygkan n trindukan ak..hahahaha..jk3..

but i think, scre xsengaje kot..kdg2 org yg bt ak bcommunicate ngn sem nie, ak rse..ak leh rse yg ak cm klo xde pape, mls nk communicate ngn psti akn tglkan sjenis msg utk ak..wlopon ak rse, kdg2 ak yakin bhw ko tau ak dh pon happens every nite..almost every depends gak..ntah..hahaha..sungguh weird..mgkn dlu ak cm..yay!! now cm ok..lalala~~ cm 2..ko nk aj jd yay! blek ke? hahaha..pape klakar la..kdg2 ak rse cm ak mak ko pon bpgg tgoh pd 1 bnde..ak assume yg ko nie anggap ak nie adek ko kot..ko pon xde adek pompuan..mke..ak jd mgse la..kot..bpe bnyk kot daaa?? hahahah..alolololoo..nk ngade, ngadu, marah ke pe ke, sume ak la..ko nie..nseb la ak nie pndai bidas blik kt2 ko 2..klo ak nie org len..mmg la haram jadah nk kwn ngn ko..ptot la ak dgr cm2 psl ko..hahaha..gedik la ko nie..princess..hahahah..

but seyesly..can u be even weirder?? ur actions r weird..ko xde la weird sgt..ak sbnrnye xkesah..speculations org len yg bt ak wonder..2 je..ak nie kan kuat bpkir..ble org cuit sket, ak mule la dok yg ko dok bt slame mngundang spekulasi, kontroversi n 2 ke? ak tkot..ak sorg je yg pkir ntah pape..well..m feymes 4 dat..hahaha..myb niat ko mls nk ckp pape la..xkan nk ckp kat ko cm nie - "what am i for you??" x gonna b true..ak x se-daring itu..mgkn 1 day kan? jgn la bt ak wonder cm nie..ko bek ckp je tros trg..ati ak pon sng..xyah nk pkir2..ko nk pe dri ak?? cm 2..hahahah..nt kang antara ak prsn sorg2, or org len yg prsn kan utk ak..mslhnye skunk nie org len dok prsnkan bg pihak ak..hahahahah

tp yg ak heran plak topic utk dckp stp ari 2..esyhh..hahah..sat cte psl org, sat cte psl org nie..psl bnde 2..bnde kdg2 ak rse, mostly bout ko je..hahaah..ko mmg nk blame ko sorunk je kan?? btol kot..spt..sudah t-attached ngn ko cm 2..mne g pon org mst tny psl ko kat ak..bkn nk tny ko sndrik ke pe la slh ak?? hahahah..fine..ak redha..alolololoo..tgk!! ak bek..ak redha je tau..ko bkn nk appreciate..hahah..ak men tibai je..jgn maraaaa haaa..hahaha..xpela, issue yg ko slalo crik ak 2, ak tharu..ko concern la kot ak sbnrnye ko rindu ak nieh? bek ckp cpat!! ak xmrh..hahaha..lnx ko la..yg len2 2..ak a fren kan..mke..lynkan je la..krenah rkn2..hahaha..


p/s: luka di tangan nampak darahnya..luka di hati siapa yg tahu?? jawapannye...?? inginku mati di hujung kuku, ingin berkubur di telapak tangan..