Sunday, February 21, 2010

mahalo ukulele

H-E-L-L-O!! yes..this is d pic of my ukulele..mahalo ukulele..well..its nice..juz nice for me..i think it's cute..coz d size..bak kt abg..xkene lgsg ngn bdn ak yg 'curvy' nie..ahahaha..wateva..i dun long as i luv tis thing n i manage 2 learn n play it, then m gud..skunk pon tgh bljr la..sket2..code yg ak dh hfl C, G, D n Am kot..hahaha..sket2 la..but its nice when we cud play dgn btol..but u noe..bru nk lil bit funny but yg ak prctice adlh lgu plg sng iaitu HAPPY BDAY..hahaha..line last skali dlm lgu 2 ak dh hfl n dh leyh men yg lines sblm 2 cm xjd xpe..akn ku cube..n kot2 la..leyh jd kn adiah utk bday abg yg nk dkat gle dh nie..mmpos ak..xpe la..ak kc line bwh skali je la..hahahah..k la..dats all..


p/s : smoge ak leyh tol2 men cm2 lgu..hehehe..n plg pntg smoge ak leyh bt midterm nex week..shit!

Monday, February 8, 2010


yer..smenjak 2 mnjak nie..ak spt..urmm..heran..?? x..nk kt mrh pon x..amok? x gak..xphm ntah la..kwujudan ko semule mule mnimbulkan tande tny bt ak..n ak trse ko seakan2 mmerli ak (insyaAllah in a gud way, hahaha) kat sbuah website sbb ak tgor psl ko smlm..xtau la ak prsn ke pe..but..ntah..klo scr x sngaje nye ak tgor psl ko, tp stlh lame sket, ko kuar kan psl pe yg ak tgor ko 2..xke plik? ak prsn, im juz saying ek, if its me u r targeting, sorry la if ak offended ko..i juz said for wat i saw..but u can definitely hv it ur way..n fyi, ak bkn criticize ko pon..hahah..jgn kt ko 'touching' wif pe yg ak ckp?? hahahaha..nth ar..lg 1, ko sbnrnye tau x yg ko adlh spt punce otak ak malfunctiong all tis while? x tau kan?? haa..pstu ak nie dh la tgh deciphering the puzzles around me but, ko slalo appear out of nowhere yg mmpo bt ak heart attack..slalo time2 yg unexpected..n sumtimes u do thgs yg bg ak ari 2..r u lyk wat? bring it wif u werever u go? myb btol la alsn yg ko kc 2..acceptable ia mbt kn ak cm lg confuse..confuse pe ak nk bt dgn dri ak serta ko..n i tot bnde nie dh over tp rupe nye tsmbong kmbli..ak expect bnde nie akn continue but lbeyh slow la..n lame2 fade..myb ak harus stick dgn pe yg ak tlah cube trained kat dri ak pon mnusia biasa kot..ak rse..ak prsn sorg2 je kot..hahaha..lnx la..but u noe, u always makes me wonder bout thgs yg ak rse xptot pkirkn..bkn in lucah kinda way la..mksod ak adlh spt,pe yg ak dh bt kat ko n vice versa..lbeyh kurg la..sumhow..thgs will remain d same..nothings gonna change..i guess..unless sumtg happen la..n i think u had seen some of d worst of me..always2 it happens 2 b d wrong time..aarrgghhh..give me a break..i want d truth from all these nonsenses..juz lie if u hv too..come on!!!!

self note : stop wondering..


p/s : no, its x ur fault..its juz me..

Saturday, February 6, 2010

my very own ukulele

Menurut wikipedia : 

The ukulele (pronounced /ˌjuːkəˈleɪliː/ YOO-kə-LAY-lee, from Hawaiian: ʻukulele [ˈʔukuˈlele]; variantly spelled ukelele in the UK), sometimes abbreviated as the uke, is a chordophone classified as a plucked lute; it is a subset of the guitar family of instruments, generally with four nylon or gut strings or four courses of strings.[1]

The ukulele originated in the 19th century as a Hawaiian interpretation of a small guitar-like instrument brought to Hawaiʻi by Portuguese immigrants.[2] It gained great popularity elsewhere in the United States during the early 20th century, and from there spread internationally.

Tone and volume of the instrument vary with size and construction. Ukuleles commonly come in four sizes: soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone.

haa..2 bak kt wiki la..specification utk mkne actually..yg nk cte kat post nie is ak akhernye dh dpt my own ukulele..hehehe..sronok ukulele 2 kat kl n ak plak kat xpe..lg few days je 2 c my new baby..heheh..ukulele nie bkn yg cekai2 punye tau..bkn yg cm psr mlm punye..yg nie mmg dlm music store punye..mama yg truje nk try men mnde's ok la klo ak tpkse bljr slow2 from internet as long as ak nk men gak mnde 2..

well, utk org yg knal ak, diorg tau ak mnat guitar..i mean nk men guitar..but then, cm xde mse n space utk guitar 2 utk umah ak d melaka cm..xpela, next time..n then..suddenly ak asek dok usyah ukulele nie, tp yg psr mlm la..bkn x nk xlawa..n ukulele nie dh la kiut, sng nk simpan n bnyk la advantages die..n bsides, ak rse sush utk cri pemain ukulele perempuan..hahahah..x to say i wanna be a pro but at least,  ak nk jd pemain ukulele perempuan 1st la yg korg nye 1 la..tkot impian yg xpe..time cuti practice tiap2 ari..hahaha..

so i told my mom bout my interest towards this mini guitar..every1 in d family cm sokong je interest ak thdp ukulele nie kerne klo ia adlh guitar yg guitar iaitu bsaiz normal/bsr 2, mama cm xbpe boyish..abah cm xhal..abg siap bg kdai, xpe..nseb ukulele nie kiut..hahaha..n so my mom pon g la cri..cri merate gak la..n last2..abah tau 1 kedai store la..dlu abah pnah supply musical intruments utk angkatan abah bli kat kdai nie dlu..abah cte, kdai nie ad cm2 musical instruments..yg weird2 pon i guess mama n abah bli kat ctu la kot..abah kt bagpipe pon ad..wahh..hahaha..ari 2 ak kt la kat mama, klo xdpt ukulele, bagpipe pon bagpipe kan damn ak gurao je la..hahaha..klo dpt btol ak lg mmpos nk men kat mne? jiran mau sekeh pale ak..hahaha..

so cm 2 la..gmbr nye akn ku post nt k? oh happy nye..hahaha..abg surh ak men trumpet, coz nt leh la die perli ak cm cte bujang lapok 2..hahah..mama surh ak men violin ke piano ke..abah cm ske ati ak la ak nk men pe pon..asl jgn lupe kje2 yg lbeyh pntg dh..hahah..well..kre nye..ak dh ad 2 instruments la..harmonica n style..hahaha..nk yg org xmo men je..hahaa..sjrh silam, ak pnah men clarinet..haa..xpe la..nt mnx la sumtg org xkan men plak lg..hahaha..spt?? urmm..tabla? hahahaah..

fin..alhamdulillah syukur..

p/s : nak main lgu hawaii ke Spanish?? hahahaha

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

linger - the cranberries

If you, if you could return
Don't let it burn, don't let it fade
I'm sure I'm not being rude
But it's just your attitude
It's tearing me apart
It's ruining everything
And I swore, I swore I would be true
And honey so did you
So why were you holding her hand
Is that the way we stand
Were you lying all the time
Was it just a game to you

But I'm in so deep
You know I'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger

Oh, I thought the world of you
I thought nothing could go wrong
But I was wrong
I was wrong
If you, if you could get by
Trying not to lie
Things wouldn't be so confused
And I wouldn�t feel so used
But you always really knew
I just wanna be with you

And I'm in so deep
You know I'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger
Do you have to. do you have to
Do you have to let it linger

And I'm in so deep
You know I'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger

You know I'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger

p/s : tbe2 tersuke lgu nie plak..kesan cte click yg diulang2 la kot..