Thursday, July 8, 2010


Alhamdulillah..ak rse bsyukur sgt..utk everything..recently i've been receiving a lot of gud news, things etc..ak bsyukur sgt2 pd Allah swt..ak tau ak nie mnusia ble sng xigt Tuhan, dh sush bru nk cri..ak cube utk jd seorg yg sgt bsyukur..Allah pon sntiase berikan ketenangan kat ak, sgt2 ak hargai..latest is MUET..ak bsyukur dgn result ak trime..ak tau ak pon bkn genius to achieve band 6..or myb ben yg ak dpt 2 pon ak lebeyh pd cukop..Alhamdulillah..jge tmsok la bnde2 len..i'm really glad n thankful to Allah to what He had gave me..skrunk ak tpkir, Allah slalo bg kte mcm2, tp kte lupe kn die..harus pbaiki isu 2..ak sdar ak pon xde la baik bgtu la..ak akn brusaha la..smoge all of us try to change for the better..ok fine..ske ati korg la nk kt ak ustazah ke cm gtu la..coz there are many that told me that i've becoming an ustazah or sumtg..hahah..bak kt ak td..ak pon x bek ak ckp pe yg ak tau, ak pkir kan n pape je la..hahaaha


p/s: burp..Alhamdulillah..sdap dinner buatan sndrik..wlaopon hmpir hangos..hahah..Thank You Allah, Family n Frens n Whoever yg bkenaan dgn idop ak, whether i noe u, i dun noe u, forgotten, remembered etc..THANK YOU...

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