hehehe..well, i guess i know the reason why im depressed..im lacking off my tabi 'dosage'! lol well..this whole week, i was caught up with works so i didnt have the time to check out on TOP much..last night has made me alive..hahaha..coz..finally i got the time to see his new photos, which i was shocked, since there are so many new news that i dont know..lol ok..then, i was like so ecstatic to come back to malacca, and here i am..hehehe..now, finally, i get my TOP's vibes back..oh, it felt so good..hahahah
well..i always thought TOP's face is like a puppy..so cute~~ but this pic..it makes him looks like a kitty now!! as said by little miss vanity *who thought it's adorable for me to call TOP as tabi..lol*, he looks like the cat in shrek..here's the pic..hehehe..

arent they the same?? the eyes~~ so cuttteee~~~ heheheeh i wanna kiss him and the kitty!! but more to the kitty since that kitty looks cuter! hahaha
p/s : officially happy! for now! weee~
KISS HIM, KISS HIM, KISSSS HIIIIMMMMMMMMMM~ mandy's tabbyyyyyy. u shud do like what i did yesterday. laptop pun jadilah. hehe. ;)
are u like, urmm, forcing me? hahahaha well~.. :D
btw, it's tabi and not taby..sounds so girlish..ahahaha
xmau..tu fetish..scary..lol
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