Thursday, December 31, 2009


well3..hello there ppl of d seems that we are approaching 2010..a brand new year..n so..m wishing all of u a very HAPPY NEW YEAR..hahaha..feeling lyk a female santa rite new year's resolution..urmm..i have none..yet..i guess..hahahah..well..last year's resolutions pon dah dun noe whether dh tcapai ke blom..but i said earlier, i'm spontaneous type of person..when i want it to happen, i'll make it happen..hopefully x delay..n x limit of time..nothing to aim..ok..x 2 say nothing, i have except it's the usuals..happiness, berkat from Allah swt, to be a better person, n bla3..n so..x limit in aiming sumtg..

life..i'm gud wif things happened all tis years..myb searching for more frens..maintaining wats already there..maybe pushing sumtg forward..pulling sumtg behind..i dun noe..hoping for less drama..though excitement always, i mean ALWAYS comes from there (drama)..hahaha..anyhow..i hope for d best..May Allah bless us cant wait for wat God will serve us all..dun make it too spicy..hahahaha..mild is enuff..

education..urmm..i guess nid better gpas, cgpas..hahah..well..hope so..laziness is so helping me..ahaha..

love..i dun put hope much..since i have no luck on these things, always..kinda bored n sick of it too..n too young for i dun mind..if 2010 is my love year, cool..if x, its ok..n bsides, if it makes more heartache to me, better to say no then..hahaha..i dun want to say any further..juz wait n c..heheheh..still..i luv u my bantal busok..hahahaha..

watever it is, juz wait..wait it to happen..n then..we can say bout it..ok?? but sum things shud be kept n not to say it..myb spray it..hahahaha


p/s: ppl always make their new year's resolutions..but will they eva get it right on time? NO..mostly..hahahahaah...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

bad luck, jinx, suwey, malang etc.

hello ppl..ok so..bblik kpd ari ak nk amek pper consti pd 29/12 ari tu..ari 2 pnoh dgn mlgnye..hahaha..well..mmg xbek la pcye bnde2 nie..mmg x cye sumpah suwey..hahaha..ok..ak mulekan cte nye..

so mule2..nk bgon la pg..coz nk grak kl..nk grak kol 9 la kt nye..mse nk bgon sket nye brat..xleh nk bgon lgsong kot..alarm pon cm x function..smpai mama pgel kli bpe ntah..pdhl mlm 2 tdo awl kot..urmm..slalonye mst la lg leh bgon..bknnye ak xtdo ke 2 la..ntah r..

then, d whole family was shocked wif sumtg..a secret i cant tell here..but it was lyk wtf?? cm 2..n so..fine..ak cm..ok..rilek..

so, nk grak la ke mlake tag plak xde..rupenye kat dlm kete yg mama bwk ari ok..kne la g kat opis mama, nk mnx kunci kete nk amek smart tag inside d car..otw nk ke opis mama 2, ak abh n abg btembung a 'parade'..not just a 'parade'..cina mati nye..hahaha..ok..bkn yg cine ske bt utk org mati 2..yg lalo kat kliling kawasan is so suwey!!!! very2 suwey..choi3!! abh dh cm..bengang dh..abg pon cm suwey gle..ak cm..kimak gak la..dh amek smart card sume tp dri atas ak nmpk 'parade' again..ak cm syial3!! 

so grak la ke mlake..stlh bgtu delay..mke..udah d highway..smpai senawang..klo x silap..but sumwhere in negeri 9..tbe2..tgh syok2 nie..kat lane kanan..tbe2..POMMM!!! krrrrrr!!! brek xleh nk ke lane pling kiri skali..yg emergency lane brek slowly..within few minutes ad org dtg tlg..kbtolan a mechanic..n also a peronda PLUS pon kbtolan 2 tlg la cek kan..die kt surh grak sket..klo leh,troskan..klo x, call die..mke nye adlah TIDAK! do peronda 2 kt biar kc lpas tos la..oh yes..time mletop 2 kol 12..tpat2 kot..n ak exam 2.30..haa..pkir la sndrik..

mke, stlh grak plhn2 ke sne..benti d tepi..2gu la org dtg..abh call mekanik die kt die send org ke ktorg..n kmi pon nek la tow truck..nek tow truck adlh a FUCKING SCARY experience..maw x nye..abh nek ngn org bwk truck..ak n abg stuck dlm kete..ktorg kne dudok ats truck 2..dh la kete ktorg tinggi..nek ats 2 pon tinggi..n die tinggikan lg level truck 2..babi dowh..dr x gayat stret gayat..dh la die nk bwk ke workshop 2, die gune jln kg..n tau je la jln kg 2 cm ne..n die dh la cm xpndai bg syial gle..abg kt its either we fall blah kiri or blah knn..siap sedia la..ak cm..babi2..kimak2..abg ak pon sme..ahaha..mulot cm sial dh..

smpai workshop 2..dh msokkan kete sume la..sblm 2 org 2 ad jnji akn kc kete spare diorg utk ktorg d time we arrived, msokkn kete dlm workshop 2, tbe2 mekanik dlm 2 (india, muda, hahahaha..leh thn la..utk farah..) kt kete spare 2 dh pon dbrikan pd org len..bengong!!

mke 2gu la ctu bpe lme ntah..n abg trigt die ad mmbr d he tried to him for a few times x brgkt..n suddenly..mmbr die call die..rupenye hp org 2 rosak..mke 2gu la mmt 2..die kt leh tlg anta kn ak ke mmu..ak cm nk 2gu die dtg 2 mau suffer dlu la..dh kol 1 dh..xdtg2 lg..abg cm klo x leh gak, sewe kete macha 2 la gak..dlm kol 1 suku mmt 2 dtg..ak risao gak kete pe die klo die bt gle, mau die bwk moto je kang..hahahaha..nseb die bwk harrier bapak die plak..ak men serkup je pe yg ad kn?? hahahaha..n so die anta ak g mmu..

smpai mmu 2 dh kol 2.10..ak cm..yer..xsmpt pon nk tgk2 blik notes dh..tlmbt tros msok exm..abes exm..2gu abh n abg kat abrar..pekena roti canai n teh o ais..pstu g la ke mc..nek bus n blik la ke kl..mke end nye d ctu..

so..tpulg la pd korg utk pkir these all as coincidence or pape ke..but..seyesly i hate dat much..bikin panas je..ak risao xdpt nk bt exm je..risau tau x? cm kimak je..muke ak je x gmbrkan pape time 2, tp dlm ati Allah je yg tau..sumpah sranah sume dh stiap kjadian ad hikmah nye..utk 2 ak syukor Alhamdulillah..xtau ak minx pd Tuhan agr xjd lg dh bnde2 nie..xmo la...


p/s: minx nye hari2 len lbeyh bhgie n thindar dr pkare x elok..amin..n gmbr ats 2 cntek lak ak ak rse 2 cover album..hahaha..ntah..ok..



yer..ak dh start cuti sem..a few days dh pon..but today bru trse nk tulis..Merry Xmas to all..sok plak nk new NEW YEAR..alah..sng cte..HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!! hahaha..hopefully in peace la holidays nie..hahaha..ak pon cm..ntah..klakar..hahaha..ok..klakar sbb smbel type post nie, smbel ak dok tgk cm..ak pon x tau pe yg ak type nie..hahaha.. bese..cuti 3 2minggu stgh? nth la..lbeyh kurg..xde plan sgt pon..except for, akn ikot parents ke kedah..for a few 2 je la..len2..ntah..mgkn ak abeskn mse tgk tb, muvies, on9, fb, novel la kot..ntah la..plan mmg xde..ak lbeyh ske spontan je kjadian..xde rncg2..hahahah..bhye2..

so..2 je la..xtau nk tulis pe lg..nt..klo ad idea..ak cte..n oh yes! 2 ari lpas adlh ari plg suwey ak pnah alami! haa..nt ak tulis..ak cte..hahaha..k..bye!


p/s: hajat nk tukar stokin xsmpai..xpe year la..i suppose..hahaah..

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I've got you

The world be a lonely place
Without the one that puts a smile on your face
So hold me 'til the sun burns out
I won't be lonely when I'm down

'Cause I've got you to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour seems much longer

I never doubted you at all
If the stars collide, will you stand by and watch them fall?
(by and watch them fall)
So hold me 'til the sky is clear
And whisper words of love right into my ear

'Cause I've got you to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour seems much longer
Yeah when I've got you
Oh to make me feel better
When the nights are long they'll be easier together

Looking in your eyes
Hoping they won't cry
And even if they do
I'll be in bed so close to you
To hold you through the night
And you'll be unaware
But if you need me I'll be there

Yeah I've got you
Oh to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour seems much longer
Yeah when I've got you
To make me feel better
When the nights are long they'll be easier together
Yeah when I've got you...

from left : tom, danny, dougie n harry

by McFly !!!!! I LUV DANNY N DOUGIE!!!! 

Sunday, December 6, 2009

fortune cookie..

hey! td ak men sorority..pastu die ad cm urmmm..fortune pe yg mnde 2 ckp..

"Before you meet a PRINCE you have to kiss a lot of toads."

i lyk that..sblm nk jmpe d one..u gotta face other ppl 1st..its x dat easy to find 'THE ONE"..d rite time n guy will come..after we met other ppl..who might x be dat, we'll appreciate more..n to understand things better..i guess..

but depends on dat person..n oh! definitely, tis cud apply to other things..if u want sumtg gud, u wud hv to use,go thru sumtg dat isnt dat gud..but sumday, u might get wat u've wished for.. susah2 dulu baru senang ..yeah..dats bout it..


p/s : blackberry..?? sounds nice..hehehe..

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


yes..heh?!! hello ak dh ckp yg i'll b back..ahahah..ok..tros trg luse ak ad midterm neha..1 haprak pon x bce lg..bkn bjet hebat, tp ak cm xphm npe perlu ad subj cyber law..ia sndrik x exist sbg law..ah..lnx la..sumhow..kne bljr gak..

ok la..back 2 topic..ak smmgnye tkjot, hairan, musykil, wonder, plik, weird, tpkir n bla3..psl ap, ak xnk bgtau..mgkn yg tau 2, tau la..but wtf?? pe yg ko cube nk bt kat ak huh!! ak rse cm 2..hahahaah..dah2 la..ko nie nk kt cm parasit, x..nk kt alga pon x..gedik r!!! cm 2..hahaha..ko x melekat kat ko cm nk melekat kat ak..hahaha..hesh..tros trg, ak xtau pe motif la..mmg la agk2 la..ak dh tertny2 motif ko cm 2..cube ko ckp pe yg ko nk dri ak..kan sng..nie smpe org len pon nek heran pe yg ko cube lakukan..mkin ari mkin plik..xla plik la..kdg2 cm normal je pe yg ko bt tp kdg2 ak rse..hesh!! hahaha..xkan la smpe cm nie..?? i mean, it's 2..sbnrnye, ko nk attach kan dri ko kat ak ke? hahahaah..xleh blah..pastu, ad je alternatif 2..method yg d gunakan..utk bkomunikasi..xleh a, gune b..xleh b, gune c..rilek la..xkn sehari xbkomunikasi ko dh rse ak hilg?? hahahah..ok..ak now, psti ad yg dh phm mksod ak..dh dpt bce spe n ape yg blaku..hahahaah..

but seyesly..ak dh cube utk slow down..ok..yg mne ak start, ok la..fine..xpe 2..yg dtg dri ko nie..hahaha..ak dh weird ari 2..ak blik..trg2 ak blik..n i guess ko pon tau..mseh ko tny..mne ak..ak rye kat mne..hahaha..ko nie..cumel la! rindu ak yer?? alolololooo..hahahaha..meh cnie meh..mai kat mak meh..hahaha..sket2 cri prob sket cri ak..hahaha..klakar la ko 1 point ak rse btol kt farah..iaitu..dlm list idop ko ad ak..dlm list idop ak, ad ko..hahaah..i feel touched..hahahahaha..kni ak yakin, yg sbnrnye ko sntiasa tbygkan n trindukan ak..hahahaha..jk3..

but i think, scre xsengaje kot..kdg2 org yg bt ak bcommunicate ngn sem nie, ak rse..ak leh rse yg ak cm klo xde pape, mls nk communicate ngn psti akn tglkan sjenis msg utk ak..wlopon ak rse, kdg2 ak yakin bhw ko tau ak dh pon happens every nite..almost every depends gak..ntah..hahaha..sungguh weird..mgkn dlu ak cm..yay!! now cm ok..lalala~~ cm 2..ko nk aj jd yay! blek ke? hahaha..pape klakar la..kdg2 ak rse cm ak mak ko pon bpgg tgoh pd 1 bnde..ak assume yg ko nie anggap ak nie adek ko kot..ko pon xde adek pompuan..mke..ak jd mgse la..kot..bpe bnyk kot daaa?? hahahah..alolololoo..nk ngade, ngadu, marah ke pe ke, sume ak la..ko nie..nseb la ak nie pndai bidas blik kt2 ko 2..klo ak nie org len..mmg la haram jadah nk kwn ngn ko..ptot la ak dgr cm2 psl ko..hahaha..gedik la ko nie..princess..hahahah..

but seyesly..can u be even weirder?? ur actions r weird..ko xde la weird sgt..ak sbnrnye xkesah..speculations org len yg bt ak wonder..2 je..ak nie kan kuat bpkir..ble org cuit sket, ak mule la dok yg ko dok bt slame mngundang spekulasi, kontroversi n 2 ke? ak tkot..ak sorg je yg pkir ntah pape..well..m feymes 4 dat..hahaha..myb niat ko mls nk ckp pape la..xkan nk ckp kat ko cm nie - "what am i for you??" x gonna b true..ak x se-daring itu..mgkn 1 day kan? jgn la bt ak wonder cm nie..ko bek ckp je tros trg..ati ak pon sng..xyah nk pkir2..ko nk pe dri ak?? cm 2..hahahah..nt kang antara ak prsn sorg2, or org len yg prsn kan utk ak..mslhnye skunk nie org len dok prsnkan bg pihak ak..hahahahah

tp yg ak heran plak topic utk dckp stp ari 2..esyhh..hahah..sat cte psl org, sat cte psl org nie..psl bnde 2..bnde kdg2 ak rse, mostly bout ko je..hahaah..ko mmg nk blame ko sorunk je kan?? btol kot..spt..sudah t-attached ngn ko cm 2..mne g pon org mst tny psl ko kat ak..bkn nk tny ko sndrik ke pe la slh ak?? hahahah..fine..ak redha..alolololoo..tgk!! ak bek..ak redha je tau..ko bkn nk appreciate..hahah..ak men tibai je..jgn maraaaa haaa..hahaha..xpela, issue yg ko slalo crik ak 2, ak tharu..ko concern la kot ak sbnrnye ko rindu ak nieh? bek ckp cpat!! ak xmrh..hahaha..lnx ko la..yg len2 2..ak a fren kan..mke..lynkan je la..krenah rkn2..hahaha..


p/s: luka di tangan nampak darahnya..luka di hati siapa yg tahu?? jawapannye...?? inginku mati di hujung kuku, ingin berkubur di telapak tangan..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

buzzes of the busy bee..

hello..urmm..skunk nie ak brade d sem pendek..make..scre konklusinye..ak akn bz gler..mke..xkan smpt nk bt postings..unless..mslh mlande la..hahah..but yeah..ak bz la..ngn sgle esemen yg blom pon ak start pstu nk midterm n final lg..mke..maap la..wahai blog..ko akn brabok jap..for few weeks..tgk pd keadaan..but ill be back..juz w8..ull la..bunyik cm pe je..

n btw..alang2 nie..nk ckp gak..ak 2 3 mnjak org gle..hyper..happy je..ak cm xtkot ngn org..ak men ckp je pe ak nk je pe ak nk bt..n m so kind..seyesly..bkn nk bgge dri ke pe..ak cm..smgt nk mbntu..n jd mseh lancg..ak rse..maap la kpd spe2 yg trse..dgn kt2 ak..ak ckp pon bkn sj2, tp, btol2 mean it..2 klo mnde seyes la..klo mende 2 men2, ak mmg men2 la...n ak cm..rse dri ak plik..pehal ntah..ak cm wateva la..smpai tkunyah lalat pon ak xde pape..wlopon pd mule ak spt jrit 'fuck!' tp lps 2 ak cm..lnx la..sdap gak..hahaha..x3..its disgusting..but cm xkesah je..hahaha..xpe la..alhamdulillah..mgkn Allah brikan ak ketenangan kot..slen dr kne cash atas mulot ak yg jht nie kan?? hahaah..mke..smntare xde mslh nie bek ak bsyukor dlu..nt time ad mslh, nt x kng budi plak..hahahaha..

2 1..pstu..dlm kol 7-8 am ak akn tjge scre tbe2..pstu..lyn je la ym yg spe2 tglkan swktu ak tdo..dh lyn2, smbg2..ak smbong tdo blik..dlm kol 10 cm 2..psti ad msj dri ida..tny nk mkn sme happens everyday..ak cm..dh tbiase dh..kdg2 ak spt ternanti2..hahahah..burok tol..die cm dh la..hahaha..dh bgon, smbel mamai2 leh ym ngn mmbr pstu tdo blik..?? hebat la..hahaah..ak rse cm hebat gle..hahaahah..mslh nye x mamai pon time type 2..xsgt la..hahahah..

pasnie x tau la pe nk jd plak..hahaha..dh bnyk dh la..biar Allah, ak n org yg tau je yg tau pe yg dh blaku..yg akn blaku, Allah je yg tau..nmpknye kne sedia la..hahahaah..mnx2 yg elok la..dh pnat la emotion yg negative2 nie..hahahaah..mseh ak doakan yg insyaAllah sume akn lbeyh nt utk bkn shj ak, malah sume org..amin..insyaAllah..weee~~ ak rse ak dh mengong..hahaaha



  • sok pg clz shariah tuto kol 10 pg..n skunk nie kol 3pg..ak mseh x tdo..ak nie dh la ssah nk bgon..hahaha..mampos ak!
  • mengimpikan sebuah ford mustang yang lama berwarna merah dan hitam serta sebuah LOMO..yg 2nd nie, klo ad rejeki, insyaAllah..yg 1st, saket laa..hahaha

Thursday, November 5, 2009

mother's instinct..

dlm kol 11 pm td received phone call from usual td smbg2..mama tny kat mne..ckp la kat bwh..luar..nk lpak la..nk blik tny hows bf? n i said wat? mne de..xde bf pon..well mmg xde pon..hahah..mama ske assume mmt complicated 2 balak ak..well ak ckp la mmt 2 ad mnah len..nguh try nk dpt kan mnah 2..n ak nie pbakar smgt die..then ak tgh mama cm x dat cerie..abh pon lbeyh kurg..adkh diorg tau yg ak juge heartbroken? well parents esp moms mmg ad instinct ttg ank die..n so..i guess mama mgkn dpt rse ak heartbroken kot..hahaha..she seems 2 be giving me sum advice..lyk..dat guy is blind..sumday he'll come 4 u..juz let it be..if he lyks u, he'll confess..biar die yg thegeh2 kat kte, jgn kte thegeh2 kat die..nevamind..he is juz confused..he cant c d truth yet..n bla3 lg..ak 2..cmne mama cm leh tau..ak dun even tell her dat i lyk tis guy or anythg..i juz told her we're frens..dats all..ak mmg slame nie pon stress kan bhw kmi hny la kwn..but sumhow..mama lak cm get n farah g jogging..utk tenangkan ati..kmi luahkan prsn pdpt..cube bntu ssme sndrik..ktorg pon try 2 figure out gak wats d 2 solve..n bla3..mama call lpas myb mama ad instinct kot...ntah..ak pon hv 2 b happy..coz ak nk nt, tkot la mama, abh even abg tgk ak sdeyh2..ak xmo la cm 2..xbes..hahaha..ala..xpe la..prob ngn mamat nie cume sekudis je..bkn pe pon..xbsr la..karma..1 day he'll come back..but..i dunnoe wat will happen next..papela..hahahaha..


p/s: klo idop ak cm cte sembilu, abes mamat 2 kne kjar ngan abg ak..mau abg blsh die idop2..mau x nye..die (abg) je leh bt ak sket len xleh..hahaha..ak rse la..

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

wrong again..

well..assuming wont take u anywhere..u'll be stuck there until d real truth comes to u..mke dgn itu..yg post bru2 nie 2, d complicated guy is out of d list..but he is still complicated..ak yg anggap laen..sume org anggap bnde yg sme spt ak..org2 nie sume mgkn yg influence ak 2 bfikiran bgtu..mlgnye..x..its bkn slh spe2..nme pon 'agk nye', 'myb', 'rsenye' xpe la..ak rse ak pon slalo slh it makes d tjok la..wrong again..but fair enuff 4 me dat i am still his fren..i dun 1 kre ok long dat he noes dat ak nie leh jd a multipurpose fren for him pon ckop la..well..ak pnah jd tmpt ngadu, sedeyh, suke, happy, sume la utk rse xpe la..xhal la..ak tau bnde nie wont go far..dh lme ak ak je dok konon2 bfikiran jauh..xde la jauh sgt..skunk nie..klo ak lari tros pon xleh gak coz ak dh pon bkwn ngan die..i chose tis will be worse if ak ttbe lenyap lak kan..but yeah..2 la ak..bek sgt..xpela..ak pon dh kt ak akn jd motivator die..i'll push him, back him up, lite up his spirit when he is in nid of it..n i suppose he is glad gak coz ad mmbr cm ak..hahaha..well..ak yg akn troskan jln cte nie, so ak kne take risk, be fine to all matters n len2 side effect die la..tkot org len yg sorry gle la..korg..tkot korg trse ke pe ke...but..juz slap me if u c dat im x myself..hahah..come to think of it, nie la reality nye..hahah..gud thing is dat ak xbt bnde bodoh, ak xbt bnde plik..he's d 1 who is lyk..plik..ak lbeyh tau yg die dh bt kat ak..bkn bnde die kat ak la..hahaha..only d glove box noes hows d story goes..hahah..2 now..ak ok..klo x ok pon kne ok cm 2 la..xpe..ak syukor la Allah kc ak ad prsn2 cm nie..bnyk dat i cud experience all tis..rise n fall..ok la 2..ak pon bkn dak kcik lg dh..dh bsr prob solve la sndrik..nie pon bkn cm 2 la..

"pretending everything is right to make it better"


p/s: m fine farah ida n lisa..korg xyah la risao psl ak..myb ak akn bad mood 4 a m sorry..but i'll try my best 2 x 2..i'll b fine..korg doakan la gak..hahaha..


bek la..ak mls dh nk yg lip lap lip lap nye pg..nk cri yg nie je yg ad..mke gune yg nie dlu..nt ak tukor yg len..hahaha..


p/s: pyzam akn jd mgse skali lg..hahaahaha

dilemma? confuse? pilihan? aper nieh??

hahaaha..tbe2 ak rse..idop ak lwk..tbe2 ak rse idop ak cm tlalo bnyk mnde utk d pkirkan..utk d decide..utk d plih..hahhaah..n utk d bnyk lg..well, post nie psl boys lah..farah dh bjye bt ak gusar dgn idop ak sbb ak dh jejak 18 so die kt 18 nie mse nie la sume nk tmbol..cm2 dilemma, mslh la pe la psl rltnship n stuf..ak cm ok..xpe..well..rite now..ak dh rse vibes die..getaran die..

dgn 1 hambe Allah nie ak rse, ak ngn die nie complicated..utk ak la..xtau la die..mama pon dh bg statements utk hal ak yg nie..well..mulot org len mgkn ak xmo mama sndrik yg ckp..ak xleh nk kt pe la..mama kt 1 day die confess la klo btol..ak cm..ok je la..xhal cm adeh..funny la...hahaha..but die cm slumber, so ak pon slumber je la..nk kt men trik tali pon ad..ntah la..hahahaha...

yg lg 1 hamba Allah nie plak, klo tjmpe ak, tmaloo2, tsegan2..curik2 pndg..nie sume mmbr2 ak la ckp..i dun c it myself la nk judge cmne..but ak bknnye knal die sgt pon..stkat pnah tgor skali..then pstu cm tgk muke je 2..hahaha..myb die nk try kwn tp maloo kot..ak nie kat jnis ske ati mak bpk..xtau ala2..cumelnye..maloo..hahaha..!! tis is weird..neva experience it b4..n now..tbe2 dtg mngejot..ak cm..culture shock gak la..y la dude? cm 2..hahaha..strange is wat we aim for n here it is..hahaa..but both of them seems nice..i dunnoe..tkot ak prsn sorunk2 je..hahah..well..2 adlh hobby ak pe..prsn..hahaah..


p/s: enjoy life 2 d fullest..enjoy every moment of it..Alhamdulillah..time kaseh Allah coz kc ak rse mnde nieh..sgt cumel prsn2 nie ak je tkot jd out of control wif my heavy thinking..hahhaah..

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

future yg bkenaan dgn kje..

dh 2 3 kali dh mama dok ckp psl wat wud i b after grad..mama lai2 akn kt "ala, abes bljr nt pe sush? continue je la bisnes kte nieh..sp elg nk cont all tis klo x adek ngn abg? tol x? u dun hv 2 worry about a thing..juz study hard, complete it n a job is already waiting 4 u.." ak bljr law lai2 kje bisnes bpk sndrik..cre abg n abh cm nk surh ak pursue kjye as a lawyer..but i dunnoe..myb ak amek path lawyer nie for few yrs then bru ke bisnes sndrik..but sumhow, nme ak dh pon stated in my co. ..cmne 2? tkot conflict pkrjn..hahaah..ak xsure la..haha..mkin ak pkir mkin cm sush..abes dlu stadi..chmbering..kje la jap kat law firm mne2..pstu quit klo bisnes abah mmrlukan ak..coz skunk nie pon dh klam kabot sket sbb abh n abg sbok dok kjar ngn guard2 yg ske bt hal, commitees yg ske complain n other things kje ketas nie letak kat mama n kdg2 k cik pon abh handle..cri contract abh n rse..klo ad nex time leh la tlg..klo ikot kpale ak, mama leh la hndle financial, ak sgle paper works n those stuffs, abh anbg leh sttle guards..mgkn abh kat area tgh n abg kat area utare ke..vice versa ke..2 ak xtau la..ntah la..xtau la..plan je..Allah cm 2 la..hahaha..


p/s: rse cm nk cubit, gigit je mama ats statement2 yg d brikan smlm..mama nie!! hahahaha..

Saturday, October 31, 2009


hye..tjok kte ari nie adlh spt yg tertera d ats..smmgnye sume org d bri pluang..cm2 jnis pluang..cm2 bntuk rupe pluang 2..mse die gak x mnntu..stgh2 org, pluang 2 slalo dtg..stgh 2 plak..kdg2..klo nseb stp manusia dbrikan pluang..

tp kan..mnusia ske lpaskan pluang..pluang yg mgkn akn mngubah dri die..mgkn jge x..pluang yg die rse xkan dtg kdg2..die xsdr pluang 2 mmg btol2 kat dpn mate die..its either die nk amek ataw xnk..stgh 2, tkot nk amek pluang yg ad dpn mate 2 xsngaje lpskan..ntahla..cm2..ak pon tau..

nk ckp psl pluang nie tlmpau bnyk..hny mase mnntukan pluang 2..but, thunder wont strike twice at d sme 2 la pluang..pluang hny ntah la..cmne klo pluang 2 sntiase ad, pluang yg sme tp xputus2?? cume kte je tkot nk dkati pluang 2?? rugi x? hadeh...sadis btol..hahaha..

pluang dh amek, tbe2 lebor plak..ntah la..byg kn..dh genggam dh..dh plok dh pluang 2..tbe2, flew away..lebor..ilg ntah ke mne..tragik..klo cm 2 cmne? pkir la sndrik..


p/s:ad 1 pluang ak nie, ak sdg bmain2 trik tli ngan nye pluang 2 cm nk walk away je..ntah la...wateva la..

happy bday 2 meself..

well..Alhamdulillah..ak bsyukor..Allah mseh pnjgkan lg umor ak..dh pon 18 gnap dlm kol 1ptg 1.30? ntah..hahaha..ak bsyukor sgt..utk bday ak..ak xde pmintaan sgt pon..Allah lbeyh mngetaui pe yg ak nk..ak hepi..wlopon smbot kat mlake..ak ad kwn2 ak..yg dtg mbwe kek tiramisu serte ak, relatives sume tny asl xblik..ak pon cm xtau nk kt pe..ak cume kt ak bru blik week la bru sgt dok mlake..dh blik..pstu sume org sound ak, ITS UR BDAY DONT U REMEMBER? cm 2..ak cm..tau..its juz a bday..bkn nk celeb sgt pon..x pon kdg2..tkat g mkn n dats it..its juz some other normal days..n i dun noe y, tis yr cm sume org nk igt bday ak plak..nk smbot2 plak..mlgnye..m malacca..well..spnjg ari bday, ak stranded kat ep sbb ujan..xkuar..coz xde lesen n kete..xke sadis 2? ntah ak sme je cm ari2 len..xcept..x family..well..2day..sat lg..mama nk dtg..myb dtg ngan kezen ak urmm..ok..xpe la..xkan mama nk sorunk2 dtg..abah pon bz dgn contract kat aftaria 2..ak cm x hal la..die nk cri fine..abg pon bz ngan meeting i dun long as i hv my ownself..n all d ppl who luvs me wlopon mreke jauh..hahaha..but yeah..m happy..


p/s:dh ad pluang, lpskan! biarkn! let it 2 waste cm 2 je..rugikan? i might hv dat chance 1 day..but myb it will b diff..kte xtau..

Monday, October 26, 2009


sket otak la skunk nie..esp blah knn..bnyk sgt pkir kot..kanan otak creativity kan?? hahah..bnyk imaginasi ke pe ak nieh?? sumpah sket otak..mate blah kanan asek tutop je nie..berat sgt nie kanan..urm ntah la..mlsh xmo ke reality punye psl la nie..farah n ida..thx 4 slapping me back 2 reality wic i really dun wanna think about rite now..reality dat freaks me out..tho i shud..kmbli pdnye..hahaha..when will this annoyance ends? hahaha..i mean d ache..brain ache..bdenyot tau x? sakit..smpai ak ngadu kat faiz dh nie..faiz pon lyn la ak nie kan? ak cte, die pon dgr..ak tny die jwb..vice versa sume..hahah.he gave me advises..stereotype..hahahaha..mke cm 2 la..adeh..senget..xbalance dh badan ak pon..kerne otak nie..

btw..kne reality nie..ak jd malas..bosan..nk jwb ym org pon cm mls..bek ckp tros ke pe..nk ckp pon dh mls..nk glak pon mls..nyanyi pon dh mls..hahaha..jd bosan jap..otak nie punye psl gak nie..die pon punce gak mbwe kpd kbuhsanan n kemalasan dir nie..siot tol..siot nye reality..hahahah..ok..its a gud reality..but..i nye nk amek port..ok farah..jgn marah..ak kne trime reality nieh..bek..hahaha..sdg cube nk ak tlmpao nk ok..tis time..xnk lari lg dh..ok..ak bkl nk tue

kne tdo dh ak rse..k la..daa...


p/s:i hate these..confusions..illusions..lead 2 destructions??

Saturday, October 24, 2009


n it goes..sem dpn nieh..a.k.a luse, bmule la idop kami brempat ke clz d mmu..but tis time, it's gonna b different..we r x in d same class..ok myb akn sme tp dlm bntok yg bbeze..ida n lisa akn sme clzs nye..utk both, ktorg amek 2 je n lisa same ak..sme 1 subj dgn lisa n i dun tink we r in d same tutorial..lecture je la sme..then..lg 1 subj ak plak sme ngan farah..skali ngan nye 1 lg subj is sumtg else..yg xde connectn dgn ak, lisa or 2 la..keadaannye..

but 4 me its fine..i think its good..actually ak rse kte 4 org nie perlu separate 4 a while..though ak rse mmg pon..korg xyah la tipu dri msing2..ak rse korg sume pon realise mnde nie..kte mmg dh pon ter separate..secare x d rse..msing2 dh sdr keadaan i think..kejadian x sme clz nie actually giv us sumtime 2 think..wat we have done n wat we gonna do after tis..tis is actually a chance 4 us 2 actually appreciate our frenship..u noe..ak pon xleh tipu psl bnde nie lg..ak dh xleh diam lg psl sumhow..ak hrp korg phm la pe yg ak cube nk smpaikan nie..ak bkn nk jd batu api ke pe 2 la..

n i tink..we shud change if kte nk troskan lg frenship kte nieh..i mean..everytg dh cm everywhere..bsepah la..ak xtau la klo ak je rsekan sume nie..but ak xrse ak sorg je rse sume nieh..we've been doin tis 4 every sem..n ak rse..ak xmo continue doin tis again n again..n ak tau korg pon la..kte dh bsr dh..jgn la bt prngai cm dak kcik..ak bkn bckp utk korg je..ak pon bckp utk dri sndrik..ak pon hrus brubah gak..i want 'us' or 'we' to last forever..but..kdg2 ak rse 'us' or 'we' 2 dh lame ilg..dh lost kat mne2 ntah..urmm..ntah la..

ok..myb korg trse ke pe..fine..m sorry..but..we nid 2 change..4 good..4 our own benefit..4 our frenship..dun u all tink so?? 


p/s: pls tink bout tis..i dun wanna fight xmore..xmore misunderstndg or other stuffs dat will ruin our frenship..

Friday, October 23, 2009


sok dh kne blik melake dh..hadeh..xtau la nk saat yg d nnt kan ataw saat yg maw d 1 pt, ak mmg eager gle nk blik..xnyempat 1 pt ak rse cm xmo lak..rse cm brat dh bontot nie..hahah..lnx la..but yeah..oliday lme2 nie bt ak borink..end up ak dgn ak nyediri gak..xde la ngan mmbr2 pon..pastu..xkuar sgt pon..dok umah at d same time, blik melaka means my hactic days will rise again..ntah la..hahaha..hactic x hactic la..cls sket nk mati..plg bnyk pon 2 clz je sehari..dh la friday ad lak 2..klo d sumbat ke ari sblmnye, xke ak leh blik awl? hahaha..kames pon kol 1 abes..hahahah..clz pon majority tghari n ke ats..hahaha..mmg evening person la ak lg..well..i am always an evening person..xpnah nye morning person..mourning person je la kot..hahahaaha..x3..spt bese..klo blik melake..mlm 2..ak pasti akn ad temujanji bsme rkn2 ku yg tsyg..ida n frh..lisa xde kot sok mlm..ntah..she always surprise me..u noe..coz..kt xde..skali ad..kt ad..skali ati die la..jnji die bhgie..hahaha..n juge spt bese..kat mne lg akn kmi jdkan tmpt dinner slen drpd kunink or bwh sok bwh ep bese..ida n remy ishak nye..urmm..hehehe..urmm..mke..kmi akn yer..spt bse..mkn..n glak2..n kutok ssme sndrik..n.urmm..sembg2..picit2..sume la..bpe minggu dh x jmpe..rindu laa...hehehe..kunink akn roboh stp kli ktorg jejak ke sne..hahaha..lebeyh kurg doesnt not really roboh..but will 2..k la..


p/s:ak nk claim gak gmbr glamer raye 2009 d umah kak salmah 2..nt kang plak org nk claim kat ak plak..urmm..

bru ku sedari

yer bru ku sedari..yg ak sbnrnye maloo nk nyanyi dpn org kcuali dpn ida shaheeza, farah aina dan nur lisa..hahaah..yer..adlh knyataan yer..dpn mak bpk pon ak nyanyi cm dlm kelambu je..perlahan gle..dpn abg pon sme..dpn spe2 je..hahaha..kcuali 3 human beings iaitu kawan2 ku itu..hahaha..ak pon xphm dgn dri sndrik skunk nie..pmaloo gak ak nie rupenye..jgn muntah frh..hahaha..well..xpe la..mgkn kerne ak tau sore ak x keep it 2 myself la kot..ahahaah..ntah..hahahah..ok la..dh..

fin..lalala (cm bisik)

p/s:phm x unsor cm ak nie xde bnde nk nk gak..hahahaah..

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

your heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be(cover)

1. This survey gets a little personal; can you handle?
insyallah.. as long as it's x too much..

2. If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be?
wooo!! x3..i dun wanna b a lesbian or sumtg..x3... 

3. Were you happy when you woke up today?
yeay..sorta..coz it's still holiday..n m waking up late..hehehe 

4. When were you on the phone last? And with who
its on d evening..wif abah.. hehe..

5. What is the last thing someone bought you?
Ya Allah..juz now..mama bought me kuehs, brand new tudongs..heheh..

6. What’s something that can always make you feel better?
d ppl dat i love (if its person) laughter can make me feel better..i guess..

7. What are you excited for?
halloween day..coz d day is also my bday..

8. What were you doing yesterday?
woke up late, on9, on d phone wif farah,watched wwe..sum other dull things..hahaha..

9. Honestly, who was the last person to tell you they love you?
mama..wat mother wont say i luv u 2 her daughter?? hahahaha

10. What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
ice water..d most recent..saliva..hahahaha

11. Have a best friend?
of coz..but m hardly 2 consider sum1 as my bes fren..

12. Are you scared to fall in love?
yeah..coz m scared of hurting emo..hahaha...

13. Do you think teenagers can be in love?
yeah..xharm i think..

14. Last person you wanted to punch in the face?
wait3..i think farah..coz she's been 'kaco-ing' me about sumtg..a matter dat wont b discuss rite here..hahahaha..farah, m kidding..hehehe..

15. What time is it right this second?
12.38 am..(wathcing the nanny)

16. What do you want right now?
My bantal busoks..own a gud life..being love by all..hahah..pass all my exams..this list will goes on u noe?? hehehe..

17. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
my family..

18. Are you single/taken/heartbroken/or confused?
owhh..dis is hard..urmm..SINGLE!! hahahahaa..

19. When was the last time you cried?
cant recall..

20. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

21. Do you find it hard to trust others?

22. How fast does your mind change?

23. I bet you miss somebody right now. frens..

24. Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
yup! m okay..a lil bit of x centered..hahaha..

25. Why do you think so many people cheat?
coz they r stupid..they did x understand d real meaning of suppose 2 b do relationships n other things..

26. Tell me what's on your mind.
none..oh wait! yeah..finish this survey n sleep..

27. What are you looking forward to in the next three months?
i dunnoe wat serves for me in d i juz hope everytg's gonna b fine n goes as wat i wanted..i guess..hehehe

28. Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
dat is my style..

29. When did you last talk to your number 1 top friend?
if it's phone call then it's yesterday..if it's ym, it's today..hahahaha

30. When is your next road trip?
i dunnoe..waiting for it..hehehe

31. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell anything to?
yeah..but x all...limitation shall prevail..hahahaha

32. How's your heart?
good..pain is normal 4 me..but now, my heart is happy..

33. Have you ever felt like you weren't important?

34. Do you think somebody's in love with you?
I hope so..but i dunnoe who..

35. What are you planning on doing after this?

36. When will your next kiss take place?
uhh..i dunnoe..

37. Have you told anybody you loved them today?

38. Who do you not get along with?
cant expose here..

39. What does your 3rd recent text say?
along..talking bout her broadband problem..

40. What are you wearing right now?

41. Are you wasting your time on the person you like?
i dunnoe..maybe..but i hope not..

42. When's the last time you had a grilled cheese?
cant remember..

43. What's your favorite boy and girl name right now?
uhhh..zamri n nabila?? ok..zamri is my bro's name..n nabila is mine..hahahaha...

44. How did you feel when you woke up?

45. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?

46. Do you crack your knuckles?
i want to..but i nope..

47. What were you doing yesterday at midnight?
watched tv n playing my lappie..

48. What are your LEGAL initials?

49. Who's the first B in your contacts?
my classmate..balkis..hehehe

50. When was the last time you laughed really hard?
everyday everytime..just now..hahaha

51. Your number 1 top friend walks out of your life, do you go after him/her?
yes!! try my bes 2 stop dat person from goin away..

52. Last awkward moment?
urmm..cant remember..but really ackward..hahahaha

53. Are you afraid of the dark?

54. Do you have good vision?
no..i got 'silau'..hahaha

55. Have you ever tripped someone?

56. Have you ever slapped someone?
yes..feels gud u noe??

57. Are you Irish?
Nope..i am Malaysian..wish to be a spaniard..hahaha

58. Do you use chopstick?
yeah..when necessary..

59. Do you have any scars?
yeah..its normal for me..

60. Is there someone you will never forgive?
let it be a secret..

61. Do you laugh off embarrassing moments?

62. Name the last person to text you? cousin..

63. Would you marry someone 8 years older than you? dats my 'jodoh'..

64. Can you go in public looking like you do?
Yeah..i dun care..

65. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
dun long as near to the wall..

66. Is it easy for someone to make you smile?
depends on the person..

67. What's the first thing you'll do on your wedding day?
cry..m married?? nooooo..hahahaha...

68. Do you fall for people easily?
i guess not..

69. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?

70. Do you miss the way things used to be? must go on aitte??

71. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
uncountable..we shud think of other ppl's feelings first..

72. Song you're thinking of right now?
thinking of caprice feat annatasha..

73. Want someone back in your life?
no i think..everytgs gud..

74. Will tomorrow be better than today?
hope so..

75. What’s the color of you’re shirt you are wearing?
blue..light blue..hehehe..(m at all black all d time..hehehe)

76. Has anyone ever sung or played music for you personally?

77. Does it bother you when someone lies to you? feels lyk sh*t..

78. Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
yes of course..

79. Are you a naturally happy person? Or is your happiness forced?
naturally happy!! hehehe..

80. Is there anyone you wish would fall in love with you?
Yeah..*blush* i hope..oh fabregas..hehehe..i dun mind long as he really loves me..


ida..sorry ek coz ak x leh dtg ke bday ko..year yg akn mjd pnutop utk ko 'teen' lg..heheh..last teen..gtu..m so sorry..coz xde transportasi..sume x sggup nk anta..jauh sgt..hahaha..unless ko nk amek..ak xhal..hehehe..but..yeah..anyhow, adiah dh pon tsiap..kat sudut umah ak simpan..xde spe brani pgg..hehehe..xde la grand mane but i hope u'll lyk it..a simple

HAPPY BURPDAY..(in advance, coz swaktu ak type nie it is still 14/10..ak tkot x smpt nk bk lappie..) may God bless you..may all ur wishes come true..may we all stick 2geder..moge juge sgale mslh n rintangan akn dpt d hadapi bsme..pnjg umor n juge murah rejeki..ak akn doakan ko n sume org..

mke dgn itu..i hope dat u'll enjoy ur bday though m x gonna there..n u shud noe u r x alone  at all time coz u hv Allah, ur family n ur frens including me bside ur bday..coz its urs..x mine..if its mine, i'll rip it from u..hahaha..x..juz kidding..enjoy..hehe..n3..klo pnjg umor, i'll try 2 make it on ur nex bday..ok?? bsides..meen 2 kre ganti ak la..utk taun nie..hehehe..


p/s : u realise kan yg u org ptame i bt wish bday kat my blog?? hahaha..coz i pon bru realise..hahahahaha

pelangi idop ku..

ok..pulg ke lappie nie utk blog..cte utk rye xde..coz rye xde bnde pon..sungguh..duit rye je la smgt ak trime..smpe skunk dpt lg duit rye..hehehe..jgn jles..bju pon xde..i mean bju lpas rye artis lak..nk bt show..kan kne bnyk 2 la..hahahaha..latest nie ak bru bli jerseys lg..n jgn d lupe..suar tomoi..hahahaha...

exam?? exam cm exam exam..sush2 sronok2 gak la..xsabau nk blik..oh ye..ak lme tinggal nie sbb exam la..sbok bljar..konon cume doakan ak pass la..2 je..nk score gle babeng mmg x la..pass cukop la sumenye..serem blu roma ble pikiao ke? nott..time result nt bru mgeletar..kpale lutot tros longgar..hahahah..atete dbtnye..hahaha..

ok skunk nie dok dgr lgu thinking of you by caprice feat annatasha..dok la ulg lgu nie..bes gak klo bt love story lgu nieh..hahahaha..dh ak sdg cri lyrics nye..xde plak..adehh..

ok mke..skunk nie tgh cuti..mke..buhsan.xde bnde nk 2 ad gak g jejalan..heheh..bkn dkat2 nye..kdah tros..hahaha nt la cte..ok..daa..


p/s : ak xske org suspek2 ak smcm..xske tau..seumpama ak nie nyorok2 bt bnde xsnonoh..hahahaha..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

raye luse!!!

ok..luse nk rye..n tros trg nye ak xde bju rye..hahaha..ak hny ad 1 wedges bru, 3 suar pendeks n sehelai jersey spain..2 je..hahaah..hebat kn?? ak nye family mg rye xrye nye..jnis bli n pkai ari nie gak..mke rye pon cm ari bese je..hahaah..mke rye nie..nuttg diff..mgkn mercon yg lbeyh hebat tlh d beli..2 je..upss..hahaha...xde la..urm..2 je la...duit rye pon cm sush je nk dpt..dh tue sbg ank last..pastinye mseh lg menguntungkan..insyallah la..tgk la..hahaha..urmm..xblik kg..dh lme pon xblik..dh lbeyh 5 taun..coz nenek ak pon stay ngan wat's kg?? bse..tlg mama msk..abh pon tlg sme..2 je..hahahaa..lauk bnyk la ak rse taun nie..abg undg rmai org..ntah..

OK PEOPLE..SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!! jmpot2 la dtg umah...almt mnx privately..mekaseh..


p/s : ayuh ltopkan tmpt nieh!!! hahahaah

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


tbe2 tdetik ati serte minda ku berkata 'if i say i love you, would you say i love you too..' ak rse lpas tgk video clip u belong wif me mgkn..hahaha..pastu tbe2 tringt plak iklan rokok, 'don't break my heart'..mke ak rse konklusinye adlh spt, if u dun say i luv u too, then u will break my heart..hahahaha..ok fine..ak xde kje..dh..hahaha..bye..


p/s : mama tujukan iklan rokok 2 utk abg tp abg bt bodoh je..siap glakkan lg..hahaha...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


hahaah..tros trg nieh..sket tkak..ngaku..hahaha..alaa..xgagah dh yer..suare harsh glerr..bak kt chubby angels, specific nye farah, die kt suare amy search pon x cmnie..hahahaa...ida plak rse keperitan ble dgr ak ckp..lisa pon sme..hahahaha...aloh2 muu..hahaha..mreke pkse mnom panadol soluble..xske la..xnmpk gagah..hahaha..ok2..jgn mrh..ak mkn nt..lpas mndi..nie sbnrnye bru blik mkn d anjong batu..ikan ad, prawn ad, kerang ad, kailan pon ad..dh la..nk g mndi nie..poloh sudahhh..k..daaa...


p/s : suare leh growl la..pstu cm sdap gak..hahahaah..foyoz..hahaha

Friday, September 4, 2009

layout bru

haa..amek..mngerlip mngerlau..tbe2 rse nk jd animated lak..slalo static je..kli nie..kc grak..hahaha..igt nk amek bomb..sush nk nmpk plak nk amek flashy gtu..hahaha..xpe la..nt2 la 2kar plak..k..


p/s:klo sket mte 2 sory plg x sket yg lbeyh sket mte..hahaha


ak rindu gle pd specimen yg bname BANTAL BUSOK..humma n himmie..kat umah..rindu gle babi..tngiang2 bau die kat idong ak nieh..hadoi yai..mau x nye..abg leh 3g ngan ak..smate2..nk tnjok pe yg die nk bt kat bntl2 busok ak alphabet serte punching dem..ak yg senak tgk mnde 2 kne..bodoh tol..dh la 3g kat tgh2 public..iaitu d jj..n sume org tgk ak dok whining..screaming..sobering..crying..n bla2..hahaha..maloo pon jd x maloo ke ptot..kjam woh abg ak 2..mke 2 je la..


p/s : ijao xkuat jles..kerne ak fair..thdp sume bntl2 busok ak..hahaha..

lifehouse - everything

Find Me Here
And Speak To Me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light
That's leading me
To the place where I find peace again.

You are the strength, that keeps me walking.
You are the hope, that keeps me trusting.
You are the light to my soul.
You are my're everything.

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

You calm the storms, and you give me rest.
You hold me in your hands, you won't let me fall.
You steal my heart, and you take my breath away.
Would you take me in? Take me deeper now?

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Cause you're all I want, You're all I need
You're everything,everything
You're all I want your all I need
You're everything, everything.
You're all I want you're all I need.
You're everything, everything
You're all I want you're all I need, you're everything, everything.

And How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Monday, August 24, 2009


bek la..skunk nie..ak tgh pontg clz gary..ak igt dgn pntg, ak leh la nk bt kje contract nie..bkn kje buruh 2 laaa!!! esemen contract..mlg nye..ak bnyk abeskan mse tpkir kan mse dpn ak yg tcalar sket nie akbt bnde2 kcik yg tlah mlnde dri ak..bkn nye tcalar coz ak pnah bt tuttt..adehhh..hahaha..mke sdg mcri konklusi utk pe yg akn atau sudah blaku..ak rse cm drama mlyu la life nie..telenovela pon ye gak..princess hour mgkn..hahahah..ntah la..yg ak tau, ak kne cri ne..nk..selimut n diam..xde kaitan dgn shut up n drive..slain dr bdoa pd yg Esa..supaya sumenye slmt..hehehe..klo btol la sgkaan ak..kantoi la ak seumur idop..(cm xbse kne..slme nie mnde??)..klo sangkal la kan, ak slmt tp mseh lg..slme nie mnde??? sme jee...mseh gak..tkntoi..sme ad massive kantoi atau plan2 kantoi..huiyooo..tmt la riwayat la...hahaha..dh cm wakenanbeb utk drik sndrik..eeyyhh..brok bnor..sndrik host, sndrik ntah ak merepek nie?? lnx..ak dh sangap sbnrnye..2 je..

sekian la..

p/s: xphm dgn dri sndrik, nie kn nk phm org len..

now confess!!!

Round and round the dial turns
Your finger itches but your vanity hurts
So you cross your friends off one by one
Either they're busy or they are no fun
Well, you can call me whenever you want
You can call me if your mouth needs to run
Your number's up it's by request
Do you have something to confess?
I'm out of touch you're out of breath
Do you have something to confess?
So round and round the dial turns
Your finger itches but your vanity hurts
And you know that all your friends will scream in horror
When they find you hanged by a phone chord
Well, you can call me whenever you want
You can call me if your mouth needs to run
Your number's up it's by request
Do you have something to confess?
I'm out of touch you're out of breath
Do you have something to confess?
You're out of touch I'm out of breath
Have you got something to confess?
p/s : have i got sumtg 2 confess?? noo!! hahaha..except 4, i hv 3 bntl busoks..yg kiut..n wangi..n ad nme..n ak rse blik ak kat ixora nie kcik tp privacy ak tjge..n ak nk mkn roti pisg + milo..nk abc gak..urmm..ak nk duit rye bnyk coz org kt ble dh bsr x dpt bnyk sgt dh duit lg??

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

broken into pieces..

dat is how i felt d nite b4..i was crashed n heart torn..i juz dunnoe wat 2 did quite crushed me..devastated wif wat happened and i felt so damn stupid..i do still think dat m stupid coz giving myself d am i so blind?? how can i not realise?? owh..bitter heart of mine..

but now..d pain starts to me a space to breathe n think things wisely..tho i hv to face it each n every day without backing down..i guess d pain will come n haunt me..but..i'll try..try to look good..try to be fuss..i got my family..i got my fwenz..i suppose, they can be d reason for me to move on wif my life..besides, there is a lot of things i shud think of..assgmnts, presntations n bla3..n it's almost fasting month..better 2 think bout wat to eat or to prepare for the holy month..better than to be emo..hahaa..

no..its not one's fault..i do, too, one of d reasons for all these..no3..i’m d main's a mess..i made tis mess..m d one who created it..m too carried away..obviously..wat I’ve done, my feelings and reactions are definitely noticeable..i guess surroundgs made me do all tis..i am not lyk far as i remember..but acting cool wud be great rite now..this is not d 1st time..i used to think it's a curse..haha..but it was so long ago..rite now..i think it's juz a stupid mistake..mistake dat has been made by not juz me, but most of d ppl out there..aint it true?

i guess i think too much..i try play it too safe by avoiding it..but sumhow..i played d own game..n i've lost..lost d battle in my own game..haha..y is tis happen 2 me?? tried to avoid a human..i cant stop it..not at all i pray for it 2 be end happily..nor disaster-ly.. it juz happened..n keeps, I don’t think its unfair..but more on how we look at it..i take it as a lesson..a lesson to learn..assumptions, judgements shud be kept until it touches the finishing line..

a fren of mine asked..y do i hv to keep tis up?? it can only bring heart ache..but stil i play wit it..i guess..m playing wif fire..myb m trying to fool myslf again..but for me, i juz..want it to be..normal..ppl can definitely see if we changed..i dont want it to be like dat..i juz..wanna be me..n long as i can go wif it..i will..i noe ppl wont lyk it..but..i guess..things shud be remained but it depends on how we deal wif we face it..n definitely, I can’t run nor I can walk away..facing it wud be difficult’s life..running away will take u nowhere but back at it..besides, facing ur problem will test ur maturity on handling it..i guess face it lyk its nothing will be great..

tis isn’t a serious matter..but..yeah..i got 2 b face things..every day..looking at it as a simple mistake..and it wont affect me..myb there is a silver lining..but thank God..coz He showed me before I fall deeper..go a lil further..Alhamdulillah..Allah saved me..i guess dats d silver dat..i wont lose my stand..principles of mine shall be preserved..yeah..

all I nid is that ppl n my bantal busoks 2 understand..there is only ijao nevmind..i’ll share this prob wif my other bntal busoks at home tis weekend..wic means..m goin long..owh..bitter heart of mine..

fin..i rest my case..

im not okay, I promise..hahahah…I HOPE YOU'LL UNDERSTAND..

Thursday, July 30, 2009

alesana gay??

ok..tros trang..sok ak ad paper contract law lg..ak t-blog..gtu..hahaha..mke..tbe2..bek nye dok stadi plus surfing d net..ak tbe2..trigt isu..yg org kt alesana adlh band gay..ak dh la mnat alesana..almost all d albums ak dh pon dl..klo kt gay pon..ak xtau la..ak xkesah btol ke mreke gay??

org ptame yg mlafazkan kt2 bhw alesana adlh gay adlh c aiman 2..esyhhh...ak dok la deny..pstu..d stujui oleh cda plak..ak pon nek xphm dh..hahaha..bpakat mgkn mereke..mke..dgn xsmene2 nye..ak pon google la..tol ke gay kan..kot2..hnye la rumours gtu..i hate rumours..(bunyik die ala2 "i lyk mat rempit" a.k.a zulhuzaimy nye cre ckp..gtu) hahaha..

mke rmai gak mnanyekan soalan yg yg kt..specific nye adlh ad kt shawn dh pon engaged..ntah..ak pon x tau..klo gay skali pon..ak nk dgr lgu die..bkn org die..klo dpt jmpe, mmg heaven la!!! kompom nges kat ctu gak..but..mlg nye..nie adlh msia..n msian govt xkan mbnrkan la..band2 gni dtg msia..mcr 2 pon kre btapis..hehehe..yg nie..ak xrse..hahaha..

mke..konklusi nye..lntk..ak mseh rse kan..shane crump of alesana is hott...kiut deyhh beliaw..mmpo growl jge..oh ye!! nt..hahaha..

fin..daaa ppl...

p/s: ader ak kesah?? hahahahahahaah

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

masih cinta..

ak mmg dh lme dh cri lgu xpnah dpt tau pon tjok n pnyanyi die..lai2..tbe2..las week mama kt.."download lgu kump kotak!!!" n ak spt "spe kah?? band pe 2? lgu pe??" mama pon kt "bes lgu die..tiap2 ari kuar radio..tjok mama x igt plek..dl je!!! bes!! dl tau!! dgr lgu 2..pompuan nyanyi..sdap suare die.." ak pon ok kan je la..tbe2..2 ari lpas..ak pon tringat..mke ak dl..

result nye adlh..YAY!! LGU YG AK CRI DH DPT!! tp..ble dh dgr..ak jd se-mellow lgu nie..2 3 mnjak nie..ak pon mellow..bkn 2 3 mnjak..slame nie pon..hahah..ikot plak lgu nie..lg la..xtau la kes mkn dlm ke pe ak slhkan mama..!! tp ak xckp la kat mama..ahaha..ida pon punya la pujok ak kat ym..yg len trut heran ngan ak..heshhh..ntah laa..

tp ad kala..lirik die cm..mkn dlm gak..haha..ntah la..alaa..refleksi nie sgt bes..lirik die pon sng gle bab..ulg2 je..n stau ak band nye indon..owhh..lupe..nme band ni adlh KOTAK..lgu nye tjok MASIH CINTA..tjok pon dh mkn dlm..hahaha..xpe..ak xde pape pon..kbtolan je..kpd rkn2 skalian..ak bkn mellow kerne pape ye..nie juz xtentu psl je..insyaallah..

Tik tik tik waktu berdetik
Tak mungkin bisa kuhentikan
Maumu jadi mauku
Pahit pun itu ku tersenyum

Kamu tak tahu rasanya hatiku
Saat berhadapan kamu

Tik tik tik air mataku
Biar terjatuh dalam hati
Mauku tak penting lagi
Biar kubuat bahagiamu

Kamu tak tahu rasanya hatiku
Saat berhadapan kamu
Kamu tak bisa bayangkan rasanya
Jadi diriku yang masih cinta

Kamu tak tahu hancurnya hatiku
Saat berhadapan kamu
Kamu tak bisa bayangkan rasanya
Jadi diriku yang masih cinta

p/s: enjoy..***sigh***

Sunday, July 26, 2009

taylor swift - you belong with me...

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
She doesnt get your humour like I do

I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do

But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walkin the streets with you in your worn out jeans
I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on the park bench thinkin to myself
Hey isnt this easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I havent seen it in awhile, since she brought you down
You say you find I know you better than that
Hey, Whatcha doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standin by, waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong. I think I know it's with me.

Can't you see that I'm the one who understand you?
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by or waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that
You belong with me
You belong with me

Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me 

p/s: this song is cute..heheh..ummm..

Saturday, July 25, 2009


this band nme nye emarosa..genre yg dmenkan adlh spt post hardcore, hardcore n adek bradek ngan nye..ak mnat band nie coz vocalist die (white tshirt)..nme die Johny Craig..he has a very great voice..very unique..he can make it kasar or lembot..can lenggok also..but x cak leng pong laa..hahaha..btw, he is d new vocalist 4 tis band..last time die dlm Dance Gavin Dance..die jge sdg bt solo..but i lyk his voice..talented..x jerit2 sgt laaa..hehehe

ak dgr band nie mule2 dgn lgu JUST ANOTHER MARIONETTE..skunk nie tgh dgr lgu THE PAST SHOULD STAY DEAD..bes..i've even downloaded d album called RELATIVITY..released last bru lg la..bes woohhh...hehehe..kompom abg xkan ske la..ak rse..hahaha...


The fear sets in, of knowing how short our time is
The shortness of stride, not a single excuse to prove that we were meant for this

Everything starts to spin all at once

If you hear something strange in my voice oh it's conviction
Detest my words they have no I'll meaning

Run your fingers back and forth over this sheet of paper

So where's the heart? 
It's not coming through
Who is this for? 
So where's the heart? 

If you hear something strange in my voice oh it's conviction
Detest my words they have no I'll meaning

Were caught between the storms that never mattered

Oh dear puppet wake up and cut the strings before the next show
I believe that this is in your blood, by all means take your place, take your place

Put yourself into this letter
We've all had it alright
We dropped the ball.


Tailored sheets, to fix this dirty bed, 
For once this dirt won't come all off
It can't be pushed aside.

Wind is blowing thru closed doors
With shadows dancing in the hall
Now hit the floor, crawl to the side, 
We've all made better moves despite the slowing of our feet

For once
Lets leave the dreaming to someone else, 
Our time has slipped away, 
We're sinking faster, faster no more play
Get ready for the catch, 
I'm at the next step, waiting for our year

And all at once it leaves you breathless, 
With next to nothing, but open hands.

Reach out, hold on tight, 
I know it hurts but keep trying, 
And with your luck, 
This won't be over quick
Out of the blue it strikes you
What's left to catch but the fear of letting go?

And bite down, 
The stress get harder now, 
The mood is let down, 
Let it play for the last time, 
Take this last second to know who's walking out.

For once don't be so weak, 
Back up the feelings that you claim now, 
Fall deeper into a world, that you can't explain.

For once don't be so weak, 
I see the mistake that is you, 
Don't try another line, I know the truth

And let hate save you when nothing else will, 
Oh, well let it save you when nothing else will.

Let it save you.

The mood is let down, 
Let it play for the last time, 
Take this last second to know who's walking out

We know who does it best, 
Wind is blowing thru closed doors
With shadows dancing in the hall
Now hit the floor, crawl to the side, 
We've all made better moves despite the slowing of our feet

Let hate save you when nothing else will.

I know the truth, it won't save you.

fin sudeyhhh...

p/s: lyrics - lyricsmode n pic - flickr

Monday, July 6, 2009


ble dh dgr ttg seseorg 2..tbe2..tringt lgu cinta sejati..u noe, u shud find tis kind of luv..real..sejati..mncinta sesorg tnpe mminta n lebeyh pd mberi..pastu..btol2 jujor dlm relationship 2..dat will make more..umm..meaningful..but..nyways..Allah yg bt prsn nie..Tuhan yg tntukan sgle nye..mke..mnusia 2 sme de leh handle atao yg Tuhan dh guideline kan..including pape je lirik nye..hope u enjoy..

Cinta sejati yang bisa
Memberi tanpa harus menerima
Dia membawa damai dan bahagiakan jiwa
Tuk semua manusia

Hanya cinta sejati yang bisa
Bertahan tanpa mengenal waktu
Takkan pernah sirna bagai
Karang di samudera
Kan abadi tuk selamanya

Reff :
Seperti itulah cintaku untuk dirimu
Tulus dan apa adanya
Datang dari sebuah rasa sucinya hati
Atas nama cinta sejati

Dan bila engkau telah mengerti
Berapa besar artinya cinta hingga

Setiap nafas yang mengalir di tubuhmu
Mengandung cinta dari yang Kuasa

Back To : Reff

Back To : (*)

make..ko interpret la sndrik lgu ak nk lyn..interpretasi stp manusia kan len..haha..mke..pape je la..hahaha..

p/s: sumpah..ak ok..ak sehat..ak xde pape..jgn riso psl ak..hahahah...

tentang seseorang..

m in d mood for indonesian music..stlah lme dok dgr screamo n adek bradek dgn nye..mke..thx 2 aiman yg tbe2 dok ckp pasl AADC n lgu ku bahagia, mke ak pon dgr la blik lgu2 indon..lme dh ak tgl kan lgu2 2 sume..mke..kni..ak kmbli..heheh..1 of my old time fav song is TENTANG SESEORANG..wic happens 2 b in AADC..mke..lyn la lgu nie..pnat gak ak nk scroll n mcri lgu nie dlm file malay n indon ak 2..thx abg..kerne sdkah kan kat adik!! hahaha..bek bliaw..hahah..mke..nie la lirik nye..

teruntukmu hatiku
inginku bersuara
merangkai semua tanya
imaji yang terlintas
berjalan pada satu
tanya slalu menggangguku
seseorang itukah dirimu kasih

kepada yang tercinta
inginnya ku mengeluh
semua resah di diri
mencari jawab pasti

akankah seseorang yang kuimpikan kan hadir
raut halus menyelimuti jantungku

cinta hanyalah cinta
hidup dan mati untukmu
mungkinkah semua tanya
kau yang jawab

dan tentang seseorang
itu pula dirimu
ku bersumpah akan mencinta

mke..lirik nie xde kaitan pon dgn life mse nie..kot..hahaha...ak n abg mmg ske gle lgu nie..sgt2..tbe2 ble dgr blik..ak dok repeat lgu nie je..x2kar lgu len dh pon..hahah..

so..hayatila lgu nie..wah..klo ad org men kan lgu nie tok ak..sumpah ke?? hahaha..wateva..enjoy..

p/s: ak xde kaitan dgn lgu mse nie..hahahah..

Saturday, June 13, 2009


starting 2morow..ak akn mule kn blik life ak d malacca..bac 2 normal..sok..ak blpas ke kot..ntah..ikot..kapasiti kelaratan abh utk drive ke sane..abg myb xleh anta..ntah la..jap kt leh jap kt tau die ad event..mke..xkesahla..hahaha..klo die anta pon..die akn ucapkn kt2 sket ati..spt mghalao..hahaha..mke..xpela..

spt bese..blik ke mlake bererti lg bnyk la brg n bag akn d bw blik ke sane..hahaha..stndard..bak kt mama cm xmo blik staun dh..hahaha..sronok woo..sje nk nyushkn mak bpk..hahaha...xde adlh stndrd..

blik ke sne jge bmakne..mule la khidupan ak sbg bdak law BETA..wah..dh jd senior dh..trse dri nie tue..dh staun dh ak bljr kat mmu nie ek?? xsdar..sungguh..agk tkejot gak staun..yet..ak mseh rse ak knk2 lg..hahaha..knk2?? xde stil hi skool lg..but..m x..m goin 18 dis year..n ak dh start degree dh..

n tbe2..mama bcare ngan ak..die tny..bangge x amek law?? die ckp she actually very proud of me taking law..coz..she always wanted dat but she cant..n she said dat sumday she will take law n she did challenged me..hahaha..sungguh klakar..she got d xperiences..n ak mgkn theory je..stakat nie..but d thg is..m glad dat she is happy..ak pon sbnrnye xtau yg decision ak utk amek law, dpt epykan a.k.a merealisasikan dreams mama..hahaha..coz she is really determined 2 la..zmn dlu..xde xleh la kan?? least ank2 die leh..n die pon akn study gak..sumday..n ak pon doakan hajat mama 2 smpai..amin..heheh..mama slalo gle ckp..die mnat gle utk bljr..bljr ape pon la kot..cre die law la..hehe..ntah akn doakan..agr sume yg die, abh n abg nk,hajat mereke,impian mereke tcapai..amin..

hahaha..serious lak..sbntar je..hahah..mke..sok blik mlke..dh ak suson jadual..Ya Allah..bes nye..lps nie..mkin musang la ak..hahaha..cls lmbt..1st cls on monday xde..haahha..hebat..dpt la..ak tgk cte o.c. yg ak n abg bli..almk!! lupe nk byr kat abg half!! xpe la..dhulukan la pe yg anda..cian die..dh jnji byr half2..n it's only rm100 for complete seasons of o.c...4 season rm 100..murah kot..myb..nk bli gak cte2 kmampoan la..klo x, ikot kemamposan la..hahaha


p/s: monday mkn kat ps..sok celebrate bday manusie2 bln 6..hahah..

analisis minggu ke 2..

ok la..utk ak..minggu ke gak ak kuar ke sane ke sni..ak jgw g pahang..wit abg n urusan bisnes kat sne..bpk la..kat sne xde life..xoffense la org2 phg..kat raub 2, radio punye frequency pon xde..hahaha...tbek la bt mnde 2 mnde nie bt pasl guard n teman mama ke 2 je la..xseboring minggu 1..hahaah..dh..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

season mgkn..

refer to the above matter...bkn la season bola or anytg..but..season genre lgu..ak pon xphm..since these past few months, n definitely lately ak gmr sgt dgr lgu screamo, post hardcore, death metal n yg skutu2 dgn nye..yg thp gegendg tlinge pecah je sume ak on..d mnekah pegi jiwe rnb n soul ak ..hip hop pon dh mnjauh..lgu how do u sleep 2 je x sngaje leh msok jap..2 pon kdg2..yg lbeyh mnyerap msok cm pampers adlh lgu2 yg mmerlukan high voltage je..

abg pon dh mule plik..dgn keadaan ak..he assumed yg ak nie dh 'girlie' yg bg ak geli..mke..xkan nk dgr lgu2 gini..mlg nye..i turn out..2 b..emo..goth..metal..n bla3..hahah..hahaha..mmg mmpo bt ak glak..hahah..nie dok dgr emarosa la..bring me the horizon la..alesana la..bla3..abg pon nek kompius..hahah..stil nk ckp ak nie skit die pon ak x tau..hahaha...pas nie mgkn the devil wears prada plak..elok la sgt 2..hahah..

ble hp ak bnyik kat opis mama..d whole opis tsntap..tkejot mgkn..ttbe2..mjerit..hahah...nme pon screamo..hahaha..xleh la ak nk serap lgu beyonce ke spe la cmne pon..xleh la..hahaha..biar kan la..btw..lgu2 screamo kne ngn jiwe ak yg sntiase kusut n drundum cm2 ke?? pdhl nmpk epy je..hahaha..biarkan..pakej lak gr album2 punk goes pop la, punk goes metal la..sgle punk goes ____ ak dh ad..sume album die..dri zmn spe ntah..hahaha..sdap woo..

bygkan, lgu luv song (sara barellies, sorry, xtau eje..) leh jd punk n screamo version..bpk sdp seyh..lg sdp dr singer asl..hahaha..ye2..lnx la pe korunk ckp..ak x lgu2 yg d 2kar nie..sume sdap..lgu apologize yg timberland 2..n lgu wat goes around comes around..waalaaaooo..bes siott..hahaah..

ok2..fine..dri dlu lg..ak ske bnr lgu2 cmnie..rock..xkesah wat type..sume ak lyn..rock kapak pon on die dh abes..musim die ble perlu je..iaitu..dkale stress mgkn?? comes naturally...hahaha..skunk..screamo meamo..hahah..dh3...


p/s: bass guitarists o any type of guitarists..mmg wow!!! hahaha...

how do U sleep??

It's been about a year now 
ain't seen or heard from you 
I've been missing you crazy 
how do you, how do you sleep 
I found the letter you wrote me 
it still smells just like you 
damn those sweet memories 
How do you, how do you sleep, how do you sleep. 

I tried my best at moving on have yet to find a girl like you 
I see things that I didn't before and I'm wishing I had more time with you, 
How do you stay awake knowing all I do is think of you 
All the things we thought about that never will happen again if I could just see you 

If I had my way I'll come and get you girl 
In your favorite car with the missing top 
man around my way where we used to park 
and did all those things to steal your heart 

(Chorus 2x)
It's been about a year now 
ain't seen or heard from you 
I've been missing you crazy 
how do you, how do you sleep 
I found the letter you wrote me 
it still smells just like you 
damn those sweet memories 
How do you, how do you sleep, how do you sleep. 

Baby all that I hear from my friends again and again and again (they come and ask about you) (they say) we saw your girl at the game and damn we gotta say a big mistake by you. 
Not only does your body bang but I miss the conversation too 
Tell me that you couldn't sleep can't think can't eat till I come see you 

If I had my way I'll come and get you girl 
In your favorite car with the missing top 
man around my way where we used to park
and did all those things to steal your heart 

It's been about a year now 
ain't seen or heard from you 
I've been missing you crazy 
how do you, how do you sleep 
I found the letter you wrote me 
it still smells just like you 
damn those sweet memories 
How do you, how do you sleep, how do you sleep 

It's been about a year now 
ain't seen or heard from you 
I've been missing you crazy 
how do you, how do you sleep 
I found the letter you wrote me 
it still smells just like you 
damn those sweet memories 
How do you, how do you sleep, how do you sleep

lgu nie from jesse mccartney..ak pon x tau npe..smnjak 2 mnjak nie..ak gmar mdgr lgu nie..hahaha..dh la spt " BAGAIMANA ANDA TIDUR?? " haha..xrse plik ke..tjok je..hahah..mke..xpe la..isi dlm die pon..xde la bes sgt..xde related dgn mne2 situasi ak..mke..mgkn ak sdah mengong..hahaha...btw..d song sounds kiut..

n dh la sume org nk runtuhkn smgt ak utk mjd seorg psychologist yg ke org leh kt ak akn gle cm org gle 2..psycho..ye2..fine..ak tau ak mmg dh separe saiko..but..dat doesnt mean i really am saiko or sumtg..hahah..mke lupe kan je mreke..dh mmg ak nk jd saikolojis..mke..bkn time je la..kan?? even family ak sokong tp ad doubt sket la..tkot..ak jd saiko kot..hahaha..lnx kan la..k fine..paragraph nie xde kaitan dgn isu d ats..

bblik do u sleep?? ak kdg2 (time biol) ak leh jwb soalan do i sleep? ak tdo dgn cre melentang?? ad prob?? hahaha...kdg2 ak akn jwb..ak tdo hal?? xde kan?? mek jgn kco cmne cre ak tdo..hahaha..wlopon ak tau jwpn cm xtepati skema jwpn..hahah..mgkn jge cre ak tdo adlh dgn mghidu bntal busok dlu..hahaha..upss..maap..tlpas bt cmne..habitat ak cm 2..mke tme je..hahah..


p/s: nyenyak tdo kat umah sndrik..btw..lgu 2 mkne nye len..ak ske ati je interpret len..hahaha..x dirty thgs la..4 sure..hahah