It's been about a year now
ain't seen or heard from you
I've been missing you crazy
how do you, how do you sleep
I found the letter you wrote me
it still smells just like you
damn those sweet memories
How do you, how do you sleep, how do you sleep.
I tried my best at moving on have yet to find a girl like you
I see things that I didn't before and I'm wishing I had more time with you,
How do you stay awake knowing all I do is think of you
All the things we thought about that never will happen again if I could just see you
If I had my way I'll come and get you girl
In your favorite car with the missing top
man around my way where we used to park
and did all those things to steal your heart
(Chorus 2x)
It's been about a year now
ain't seen or heard from you
I've been missing you crazy
how do you, how do you sleep
I found the letter you wrote me
it still smells just like you
damn those sweet memories
How do you, how do you sleep, how do you sleep.
Baby all that I hear from my friends again and again and again (they come and ask about you) (they say) we saw your girl at the game and damn we gotta say a big mistake by you.
Not only does your body bang but I miss the conversation too
Tell me that you couldn't sleep can't think can't eat till I come see you
If I had my way I'll come and get you girl
In your favorite car with the missing top
man around my way where we used to park
and did all those things to steal your heart
It's been about a year now
ain't seen or heard from you
I've been missing you crazy
how do you, how do you sleep
I found the letter you wrote me
it still smells just like you
damn those sweet memories
How do you, how do you sleep, how do you sleep
It's been about a year now
ain't seen or heard from you
I've been missing you crazy
how do you, how do you sleep
I found the letter you wrote me
it still smells just like you
damn those sweet memories
How do you, how do you sleep, how do you sleep
lgu nie from jesse mccartney..ak pon x tau npe..smnjak 2 mnjak nie..ak gmar mdgr lgu nie..hahaha..dh la spt " BAGAIMANA ANDA TIDUR?? " haha..xrse plik ke..tjok je..hahah..mke..xpe la..isi dlm die pon..xde la bes sgt..xde related dgn mne2 situasi ak..mke..mgkn ak sdah mengong..hahaha...btw..d song sounds kiut..
n dh la sume org nk runtuhkn smgt ak utk mjd seorg psychologist yg ke org leh kt ak akn gle cm org gle 2..psycho..ye2..fine..ak tau ak mmg dh separe saiko..but..dat doesnt mean i really am saiko or sumtg..hahah..mke lupe kan je mreke..dh mmg ak nk jd saikolojis..mke..bkn time je la..kan?? even family ak sokong tp ad doubt sket la..tkot..ak jd saiko kot..hahaha..lnx kan la..k fine..paragraph nie xde kaitan dgn isu d ats..
bblik do u sleep?? ak kdg2 (time biol) ak leh jwb soalan do i sleep? ak tdo dgn cre melentang?? ad prob?? hahaha...kdg2 ak akn jwb..ak tdo hal?? xde kan?? mek jgn kco cmne cre ak tdo..hahaha..wlopon ak tau jwpn cm xtepati skema jwpn..hahah..mgkn jge cre ak tdo adlh dgn mghidu bntal busok dlu..hahaha..upss..maap..tlpas bt cmne..habitat ak cm 2..mke tme je..hahah..
p/s: nyenyak tdo kat umah sndrik..btw..lgu 2 mkne nye len..ak ske ati je interpret len..hahaha..x dirty thgs la..4 sure..hahah
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