Saturday, June 13, 2009


starting 2morow..ak akn mule kn blik life ak d malacca..bac 2 normal..sok..ak blpas ke kot..ntah..ikot..kapasiti kelaratan abh utk drive ke sane..abg myb xleh anta..ntah la..jap kt leh jap kt tau die ad event..mke..xkesahla..hahaha..klo die anta pon..die akn ucapkn kt2 sket ati..spt mghalao..hahaha..mke..xpela..

spt bese..blik ke mlake bererti lg bnyk la brg n bag akn d bw blik ke sane..hahaha..stndard..bak kt mama cm xmo blik staun dh..hahaha..sronok woo..sje nk nyushkn mak bpk..hahaha...xde adlh stndrd..

blik ke sne jge bmakne..mule la khidupan ak sbg bdak law BETA..wah..dh jd senior dh..trse dri nie tue..dh staun dh ak bljr kat mmu nie ek?? xsdar..sungguh..agk tkejot gak staun..yet..ak mseh rse ak knk2 lg..hahaha..knk2?? xde stil hi skool lg..but..m x..m goin 18 dis year..n ak dh start degree dh..

n tbe2..mama bcare ngan ak..die tny..bangge x amek law?? die ckp she actually very proud of me taking law..coz..she always wanted dat but she cant..n she said dat sumday she will take law n she did challenged me..hahaha..sungguh klakar..she got d xperiences..n ak mgkn theory je..stakat nie..but d thg is..m glad dat she is happy..ak pon sbnrnye xtau yg decision ak utk amek law, dpt epykan a.k.a merealisasikan dreams mama..hahaha..coz she is really determined 2 la..zmn dlu..xde xleh la kan?? least ank2 die leh..n die pon akn study gak..sumday..n ak pon doakan hajat mama 2 smpai..amin..heheh..mama slalo gle ckp..die mnat gle utk bljr..bljr ape pon la kot..cre die law la..hehe..ntah akn doakan..agr sume yg die, abh n abg nk,hajat mereke,impian mereke tcapai..amin..

hahaha..serious lak..sbntar je..hahah..mke..sok blik mlke..dh ak suson jadual..Ya Allah..bes nye..lps nie..mkin musang la ak..hahaha..cls lmbt..1st cls on monday xde..haahha..hebat..dpt la..ak tgk cte o.c. yg ak n abg bli..almk!! lupe nk byr kat abg half!! xpe la..dhulukan la pe yg anda..cian die..dh jnji byr half2..n it's only rm100 for complete seasons of o.c...4 season rm 100..murah kot..myb..nk bli gak cte2 kmampoan la..klo x, ikot kemamposan la..hahaha


p/s: monday mkn kat ps..sok celebrate bday manusie2 bln 6..hahah..

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