Monday, August 24, 2009


bek la..skunk nie..ak tgh pontg clz gary..ak igt dgn pntg, ak leh la nk bt kje contract nie..bkn kje buruh 2 laaa!!! esemen contract..mlg nye..ak bnyk abeskan mse tpkir kan mse dpn ak yg tcalar sket nie akbt bnde2 kcik yg tlah mlnde dri ak..bkn nye tcalar coz ak pnah bt tuttt..adehhh..hahaha..mke sdg mcri konklusi utk pe yg akn atau sudah blaku..ak rse cm drama mlyu la life nie..telenovela pon ye gak..princess hour mgkn..hahahah..ntah la..yg ak tau, ak kne cri ne..nk..selimut n diam..xde kaitan dgn shut up n drive..slain dr bdoa pd yg Esa..supaya sumenye slmt..hehehe..klo btol la sgkaan ak..kantoi la ak seumur idop..(cm xbse kne..slme nie mnde??)..klo sangkal la kan, ak slmt tp mseh lg..slme nie mnde??? sme jee...mseh gak..tkntoi..sme ad massive kantoi atau plan2 kantoi..huiyooo..tmt la riwayat la...hahaha..dh cm wakenanbeb utk drik sndrik..eeyyhh..brok bnor..sndrik host, sndrik ntah ak merepek nie?? lnx..ak dh sangap sbnrnye..2 je..

sekian la..

p/s: xphm dgn dri sndrik, nie kn nk phm org len..

now confess!!!

Round and round the dial turns
Your finger itches but your vanity hurts
So you cross your friends off one by one
Either they're busy or they are no fun
Well, you can call me whenever you want
You can call me if your mouth needs to run
Your number's up it's by request
Do you have something to confess?
I'm out of touch you're out of breath
Do you have something to confess?
So round and round the dial turns
Your finger itches but your vanity hurts
And you know that all your friends will scream in horror
When they find you hanged by a phone chord
Well, you can call me whenever you want
You can call me if your mouth needs to run
Your number's up it's by request
Do you have something to confess?
I'm out of touch you're out of breath
Do you have something to confess?
You're out of touch I'm out of breath
Have you got something to confess?
p/s : have i got sumtg 2 confess?? noo!! hahaha..except 4, i hv 3 bntl busoks..yg kiut..n wangi..n ad nme..n ak rse blik ak kat ixora nie kcik tp privacy ak tjge..n ak nk mkn roti pisg + milo..nk abc gak..urmm..ak nk duit rye bnyk coz org kt ble dh bsr x dpt bnyk sgt dh duit lg??

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

broken into pieces..

dat is how i felt d nite b4..i was crashed n heart torn..i juz dunnoe wat 2 did quite crushed me..devastated wif wat happened and i felt so damn stupid..i do still think dat m stupid coz giving myself d am i so blind?? how can i not realise?? owh..bitter heart of mine..

but now..d pain starts to me a space to breathe n think things wisely..tho i hv to face it each n every day without backing down..i guess d pain will come n haunt me..but..i'll try..try to look good..try to be fuss..i got my family..i got my fwenz..i suppose, they can be d reason for me to move on wif my life..besides, there is a lot of things i shud think of..assgmnts, presntations n bla3..n it's almost fasting month..better 2 think bout wat to eat or to prepare for the holy month..better than to be emo..hahaa..

no..its not one's fault..i do, too, one of d reasons for all these..no3..i’m d main's a mess..i made tis mess..m d one who created it..m too carried away..obviously..wat I’ve done, my feelings and reactions are definitely noticeable..i guess surroundgs made me do all tis..i am not lyk far as i remember..but acting cool wud be great rite now..this is not d 1st time..i used to think it's a curse..haha..but it was so long ago..rite now..i think it's juz a stupid mistake..mistake dat has been made by not juz me, but most of d ppl out there..aint it true?

i guess i think too much..i try play it too safe by avoiding it..but sumhow..i played d own game..n i've lost..lost d battle in my own game..haha..y is tis happen 2 me?? tried to avoid a human..i cant stop it..not at all i pray for it 2 be end happily..nor disaster-ly.. it juz happened..n keeps, I don’t think its unfair..but more on how we look at it..i take it as a lesson..a lesson to learn..assumptions, judgements shud be kept until it touches the finishing line..

a fren of mine asked..y do i hv to keep tis up?? it can only bring heart ache..but stil i play wit it..i guess..m playing wif fire..myb m trying to fool myslf again..but for me, i juz..want it to be..normal..ppl can definitely see if we changed..i dont want it to be like dat..i juz..wanna be me..n long as i can go wif it..i will..i noe ppl wont lyk it..but..i guess..things shud be remained but it depends on how we deal wif we face it..n definitely, I can’t run nor I can walk away..facing it wud be difficult’s life..running away will take u nowhere but back at it..besides, facing ur problem will test ur maturity on handling it..i guess face it lyk its nothing will be great..

tis isn’t a serious matter..but..yeah..i got 2 b face things..every day..looking at it as a simple mistake..and it wont affect me..myb there is a silver lining..but thank God..coz He showed me before I fall deeper..go a lil further..Alhamdulillah..Allah saved me..i guess dats d silver dat..i wont lose my stand..principles of mine shall be preserved..yeah..

all I nid is that ppl n my bantal busoks 2 understand..there is only ijao nevmind..i’ll share this prob wif my other bntal busoks at home tis weekend..wic means..m goin long..owh..bitter heart of mine..

fin..i rest my case..

im not okay, I promise..hahahah…I HOPE YOU'LL UNDERSTAND..