Friday, July 30, 2010

Please stay with me..yui..

Your passion to be beside me, has been slowly dented
We were at peace always, but didn’t see the tragedy coming

I gather the little fragments of love
once twice and repeatedly

I just simply long to see you
And my tears fall because of this my love
The night drifted, and I convey a sigh.
Please Stay With Me

I will endure this however it’s bluntly impossible
because sometimes what you express differs from what is reality

You didn’t hear me exclaim my pride, but my dream does not end in here
once twice do I have to explain

It hurts again that I desire to see you
I’m crying because of you, my love
If we were to pass each other it will be much-loved
Please Stay With Me

I want to know more
I want to hear your voice
I’m crying and confuse
Am I really that weak?

I just simply long to see you
And my tears fall because of this my love
The night drifted, and I convey a sigh.
Please Stay With Me

It hurts again that I desire to see you
I’m crying (because of you), my love
If we were to pass each other it will be much-loved
Please Stay With Me

Thursday, July 8, 2010

the flavor of life..

When you say thank you to me,
For some reason it hurts,
Like a magic spell that doesn't
Get undone even after the good bye.
A hint of bitterness.
The flavor of life

Stuck midpoint between friends and lovers,
Like an un-riped fruit dreaming about the day of harvest
Because of being unable to just move one more step forward
What's causing this frustration baby

When you say thank you to me,
For some reason it hurts,
Like a magic spell that doesn't
Get undone even after the good bye.
A hint of bitterness
The flavor of life

Sweet talk and tasteless conversations.
It sparks no interest in me
Even when things do not go the way you want
It doesn't mean you've thrown your life away

When asked ‘What's wrong?'
I answer ‘It's nothing'
The smile that disappears after goodbye
It's unlike me

The more I wish to believe in you,
For some reason it hurts even more
'I like you a lot' instead of 'I love you' sounds more like you
The flavor of life

The period when you suddenly remember the scent of someone you had almost forgotten
I want to be able to openly and honestly cherish the white purity of the falling snow more

A future tender and warmer than a diamond
I want to grasp it, in this limited time we have, I want to spend it with you

When you say thank you to me,
For some reason it hurts,
Like a magic spell that doesn't
Get undone even after the good bye.
A hint of bitterness
The flavor of life


Alhamdulillah..ak rse bsyukur sgt..utk everything..recently i've been receiving a lot of gud news, things etc..ak bsyukur sgt2 pd Allah swt..ak tau ak nie mnusia ble sng xigt Tuhan, dh sush bru nk cri..ak cube utk jd seorg yg sgt bsyukur..Allah pon sntiase berikan ketenangan kat ak, sgt2 ak hargai..latest is MUET..ak bsyukur dgn result ak trime..ak tau ak pon bkn genius to achieve band 6..or myb ben yg ak dpt 2 pon ak lebeyh pd cukop..Alhamdulillah..jge tmsok la bnde2 len..i'm really glad n thankful to Allah to what He had gave me..skrunk ak tpkir, Allah slalo bg kte mcm2, tp kte lupe kn die..harus pbaiki isu 2..ak sdar ak pon xde la baik bgtu la..ak akn brusaha la..smoge all of us try to change for the better..ok fine..ske ati korg la nk kt ak ustazah ke cm gtu la..coz there are many that told me that i've becoming an ustazah or sumtg..hahah..bak kt ak td..ak pon x bek ak ckp pe yg ak tau, ak pkir kan n pape je la..hahaaha


p/s: burp..Alhamdulillah..sdap dinner buatan sndrik..wlaopon hmpir hangos..hahah..Thank You Allah, Family n Frens n Whoever yg bkenaan dgn idop ak, whether i noe u, i dun noe u, forgotten, remembered etc..THANK YOU...


ever since i was a kid, mmg ak ske strange things, fashion is lyk wjib ske gle yg plik..a.k.a cm rmbut laki..i remembered when i was in standard 6, i was talking with some friends about dreadlocks n cornrows..smpai kne sound ngn cekgu..hahaha..sorry cekgu razaha..diorg surh sy cte..hahahaa..mau x kne sound..siap sembg smbel bt demonstration kat rmbut sndrik..hahahaah..n then..i used to want to hv lolita hairstyle n dressp up lyk loligoth (lolita+goth)...hahaha..emo, punk,scene pe jer..bilang..sume pnah ske n ad yg pnah d plg ske is (klo yg x dbt d salon la) rmbu yg ala2 nine kump coco n rmbut ala2 jessica simpson / kim k (abg kt)..hahaha..ak x kt..abang kt..klo blond cm jessica simpson, klo brown sket cm kim k..hahahaa

so yesterday..a.k.a 7/7/10 ak tlah ke creative look salon pd jam 3 utk mbt cornrow..hahaha..yer..keizinan dri ibu bpa tlah d berikan..i think it took 2 n half hours to finish whole hair..ak amek gmbr d ats as contoh..n yes..exactly lyk current hair..hahaha..happy gle..pdhl dri dlu lg abang ak yg beriya2 sgt nk bt..lai2 ak yg dpt..hahaah..die spt..adik bt? ye ke?hahaha..jht ak nie..hahaah..

btw..the hairdresser is OH SO CUTE!!! hahaha..ak nie ad tabiat bruk sket..sng tpikat ngn d guy yg bt rmbut ak..hahahah..yg penting renoma..uppss..yer..ak xgatal nor horny..nk bt cmne mmg die bnafas dkat gle kat tlinge ak..hahaha..uppss..keep it to oneself..hahaha *noty face*

but seyesly im happy to finally dpt bt rmbut yg ak idam2 klo rmbut ak damage lps nie..xtau la..mama suggest potong..ak kt nt dlu..kc ak bt rmbot nie dlu..if damage, cut..if not..biarkan je..hahaha..

p/s: sorry but i wont put my real's gud enuff to hv gmbr contoh.. :D

Monday, July 5, 2010

masih cinta by kotak

Tik tik tik waktu berdetik
Tak mungkin bisa kuhentikan
Maumu jadi mauku
Pahit pun itu ku tersenyum
Kamu tak tahu rasanya hatiku
Saat berhadapan kamu
Tik tik tik air mataku
Biar terjatuh dalam hati
Mauku tak penting lagi
Biar kubuat bahagiamu
Kamu tak tahu rasanya hatiku
Saat berhadapan kamu
Kamu tak bisa bayangkan rasanya
Jadi diriku yang masih cinta
Kamu tak tahu hancurnya hatiku
Saat berhadapan kamu
Kamu tak bisa bayangkan rasanya
Jadi diriku yang masih cinta


p/s: suddenly, remembered this song..*sigh* Ya Allah..Please give me some guts..

"Will the sun come out tomorrow...?"

Where did the burning tears, the outcry of love,
the sparkling days vanish off to?
If we keep wandering down this aimless path
we'll never go back to the way things used to be

If you listen carefully, what would
my heart tell me?
Every time I imagine the sky as it was then
In the depths of this filthy town

The gifts of god... loneliness and troubles
Just cry when you feel like it
Is this destiny?
Should we give up?
The seasons are like a magical cycle

Oh, baby... No maybe.
Losing "love" and without "emotion"
Pretending to lament
and just blaming it all on the world

Oh, baby... You're maybe.
Losing "love" and without "comfort"
The feeling of happiness
Wrap me in your arms one more time

The memories remain vividly
in order to love your past self
Your unknown future, looking from the deep past
is for the sole fulfillment of your dream

Who opens the door to miracles?
Smile, just one more time
Will you notice?
That key
is already in the palm of your hand

Why, baby? Oh, tell me.
Losing "love" and without "emotion"
Pretending not to give it a chance
Is it to protect yourself?

Oh, baby. You're maybe.
The battle's almost won!!
Feeling like defeat
Overcome... One more chance.

I talk to myself...
Oh, baby. No, maybe.
Losing "love" and without "emotion"?
Pretending to lament
The only thing left is regret

Oh, baby. Smile baby.
That life of yours isn't for eternity
Everyone whispers softly to themselves
deep inside their hearts

"Will the sun come out tomorrow...?"

Underneath the distant sky