Saturday, October 31, 2009


hye..tjok kte ari nie adlh spt yg tertera d ats..smmgnye sume org d bri pluang..cm2 jnis pluang..cm2 bntuk rupe pluang 2..mse die gak x mnntu..stgh2 org, pluang 2 slalo dtg..stgh 2 plak..kdg2..klo nseb stp manusia dbrikan pluang..

tp kan..mnusia ske lpaskan pluang..pluang yg mgkn akn mngubah dri die..mgkn jge x..pluang yg die rse xkan dtg kdg2..die xsdr pluang 2 mmg btol2 kat dpn mate die..its either die nk amek ataw xnk..stgh 2, tkot nk amek pluang yg ad dpn mate 2 xsngaje lpskan..ntahla..cm2..ak pon tau..

nk ckp psl pluang nie tlmpau bnyk..hny mase mnntukan pluang 2..but, thunder wont strike twice at d sme 2 la pluang..pluang hny ntah la..cmne klo pluang 2 sntiase ad, pluang yg sme tp xputus2?? cume kte je tkot nk dkati pluang 2?? rugi x? hadeh...sadis btol..hahaha..

pluang dh amek, tbe2 lebor plak..ntah la..byg kn..dh genggam dh..dh plok dh pluang 2..tbe2, flew away..lebor..ilg ntah ke mne..tragik..klo cm 2 cmne? pkir la sndrik..


p/s:ad 1 pluang ak nie, ak sdg bmain2 trik tli ngan nye pluang 2 cm nk walk away je..ntah la...wateva la..

happy bday 2 meself..

well..Alhamdulillah..ak bsyukor..Allah mseh pnjgkan lg umor ak..dh pon 18 gnap dlm kol 1ptg 1.30? ntah..hahaha..ak bsyukor sgt..utk bday ak..ak xde pmintaan sgt pon..Allah lbeyh mngetaui pe yg ak nk..ak hepi..wlopon smbot kat mlake..ak ad kwn2 ak..yg dtg mbwe kek tiramisu serte ak, relatives sume tny asl xblik..ak pon cm xtau nk kt pe..ak cume kt ak bru blik week la bru sgt dok mlake..dh blik..pstu sume org sound ak, ITS UR BDAY DONT U REMEMBER? cm 2..ak cm..tau..its juz a bday..bkn nk celeb sgt pon..x pon kdg2..tkat g mkn n dats it..its juz some other normal days..n i dun noe y, tis yr cm sume org nk igt bday ak plak..nk smbot2 plak..mlgnye..m malacca..well..spnjg ari bday, ak stranded kat ep sbb ujan..xkuar..coz xde lesen n kete..xke sadis 2? ntah ak sme je cm ari2 len..xcept..x family..well..2day..sat lg..mama nk dtg..myb dtg ngan kezen ak urmm..ok..xpe la..xkan mama nk sorunk2 dtg..abah pon bz dgn contract kat aftaria 2..ak cm x hal la..die nk cri fine..abg pon bz ngan meeting i dun long as i hv my ownself..n all d ppl who luvs me wlopon mreke jauh..hahaha..but yeah..m happy..


p/s:dh ad pluang, lpskan! biarkn! let it 2 waste cm 2 je..rugikan? i might hv dat chance 1 day..but myb it will b diff..kte xtau..

Monday, October 26, 2009


sket otak la skunk nie..esp blah knn..bnyk sgt pkir kot..kanan otak creativity kan?? hahah..bnyk imaginasi ke pe ak nieh?? sumpah sket otak..mate blah kanan asek tutop je nie..berat sgt nie kanan..urm ntah la..mlsh xmo ke reality punye psl la nie..farah n ida..thx 4 slapping me back 2 reality wic i really dun wanna think about rite now..reality dat freaks me out..tho i shud..kmbli pdnye..hahaha..when will this annoyance ends? hahaha..i mean d ache..brain ache..bdenyot tau x? sakit..smpai ak ngadu kat faiz dh nie..faiz pon lyn la ak nie kan? ak cte, die pon dgr..ak tny die jwb..vice versa sume..hahah.he gave me advises..stereotype..hahahaha..mke cm 2 la..adeh..senget..xbalance dh badan ak pon..kerne otak nie..

btw..kne reality nie..ak jd malas..bosan..nk jwb ym org pon cm mls..bek ckp tros ke pe..nk ckp pon dh mls..nk glak pon mls..nyanyi pon dh mls..hahaha..jd bosan jap..otak nie punye psl gak nie..die pon punce gak mbwe kpd kbuhsanan n kemalasan dir nie..siot tol..siot nye reality..hahahah..ok..its a gud reality..but..i nye nk amek port..ok farah..jgn marah..ak kne trime reality nieh..bek..hahaha..sdg cube nk ak tlmpao nk ok..tis time..xnk lari lg dh..ok..ak bkl nk tue

kne tdo dh ak rse..k la..daa...


p/s:i hate these..confusions..illusions..lead 2 destructions??

Saturday, October 24, 2009


n it goes..sem dpn nieh..a.k.a luse, bmule la idop kami brempat ke clz d mmu..but tis time, it's gonna b different..we r x in d same class..ok myb akn sme tp dlm bntok yg bbeze..ida n lisa akn sme clzs nye..utk both, ktorg amek 2 je n lisa same ak..sme 1 subj dgn lisa n i dun tink we r in d same tutorial..lecture je la sme..then..lg 1 subj ak plak sme ngan farah..skali ngan nye 1 lg subj is sumtg else..yg xde connectn dgn ak, lisa or 2 la..keadaannye..

but 4 me its fine..i think its good..actually ak rse kte 4 org nie perlu separate 4 a while..though ak rse mmg pon..korg xyah la tipu dri msing2..ak rse korg sume pon realise mnde nie..kte mmg dh pon ter separate..secare x d rse..msing2 dh sdr keadaan i think..kejadian x sme clz nie actually giv us sumtime 2 think..wat we have done n wat we gonna do after tis..tis is actually a chance 4 us 2 actually appreciate our frenship..u noe..ak pon xleh tipu psl bnde nie lg..ak dh xleh diam lg psl sumhow..ak hrp korg phm la pe yg ak cube nk smpaikan nie..ak bkn nk jd batu api ke pe 2 la..

n i tink..we shud change if kte nk troskan lg frenship kte nieh..i mean..everytg dh cm everywhere..bsepah la..ak xtau la klo ak je rsekan sume nie..but ak xrse ak sorg je rse sume nieh..we've been doin tis 4 every sem..n ak rse..ak xmo continue doin tis again n again..n ak tau korg pon la..kte dh bsr dh..jgn la bt prngai cm dak kcik..ak bkn bckp utk korg je..ak pon bckp utk dri sndrik..ak pon hrus brubah gak..i want 'us' or 'we' to last forever..but..kdg2 ak rse 'us' or 'we' 2 dh lame ilg..dh lost kat mne2 ntah..urmm..ntah la..

ok..myb korg trse ke pe..fine..m sorry..but..we nid 2 change..4 good..4 our own benefit..4 our frenship..dun u all tink so?? 


p/s: pls tink bout tis..i dun wanna fight xmore..xmore misunderstndg or other stuffs dat will ruin our frenship..

Friday, October 23, 2009


sok dh kne blik melake dh..hadeh..xtau la nk saat yg d nnt kan ataw saat yg maw d 1 pt, ak mmg eager gle nk blik..xnyempat 1 pt ak rse cm xmo lak..rse cm brat dh bontot nie..hahah..lnx la..but yeah..oliday lme2 nie bt ak borink..end up ak dgn ak nyediri gak..xde la ngan mmbr2 pon..pastu..xkuar sgt pon..dok umah at d same time, blik melaka means my hactic days will rise again..ntah la..hahaha..hactic x hactic la..cls sket nk mati..plg bnyk pon 2 clz je sehari..dh la friday ad lak 2..klo d sumbat ke ari sblmnye, xke ak leh blik awl? hahaha..kames pon kol 1 abes..hahahah..clz pon majority tghari n ke ats..hahaha..mmg evening person la ak lg..well..i am always an evening person..xpnah nye morning person..mourning person je la kot..hahahaaha..x3..spt bese..klo blik melake..mlm 2..ak pasti akn ad temujanji bsme rkn2 ku yg tsyg..ida n frh..lisa xde kot sok mlm..ntah..she always surprise me..u noe..coz..kt xde..skali ad..kt ad..skali ati die la..jnji die bhgie..hahaha..n juge spt bese..kat mne lg akn kmi jdkan tmpt dinner slen drpd kunink or bwh sok bwh ep bese..ida n remy ishak nye..urmm..hehehe..urmm..mke..kmi akn yer..spt bse..mkn..n glak2..n kutok ssme sndrik..n.urmm..sembg2..picit2..sume la..bpe minggu dh x jmpe..rindu laa...hehehe..kunink akn roboh stp kli ktorg jejak ke sne..hahaha..lebeyh kurg doesnt not really roboh..but will 2..k la..


p/s:ak nk claim gak gmbr glamer raye 2009 d umah kak salmah 2..nt kang plak org nk claim kat ak plak..urmm..

bru ku sedari

yer bru ku sedari..yg ak sbnrnye maloo nk nyanyi dpn org kcuali dpn ida shaheeza, farah aina dan nur lisa..hahaah..yer..adlh knyataan yer..dpn mak bpk pon ak nyanyi cm dlm kelambu je..perlahan gle..dpn abg pon sme..dpn spe2 je..hahaha..kcuali 3 human beings iaitu kawan2 ku itu..hahaha..ak pon xphm dgn dri sndrik skunk nie..pmaloo gak ak nie rupenye..jgn muntah frh..hahaha..well..xpe la..mgkn kerne ak tau sore ak x keep it 2 myself la kot..ahahaah..ntah..hahahah..ok la..dh..

fin..lalala (cm bisik)

p/s:phm x unsor cm ak nie xde bnde nk nk gak..hahahaah..

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

your heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be(cover)

1. This survey gets a little personal; can you handle?
insyallah.. as long as it's x too much..

2. If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be?
wooo!! x3..i dun wanna b a lesbian or sumtg..x3... 

3. Were you happy when you woke up today?
yeay..sorta..coz it's still holiday..n m waking up late..hehehe 

4. When were you on the phone last? And with who
its on d evening..wif abah.. hehe..

5. What is the last thing someone bought you?
Ya Allah..juz now..mama bought me kuehs, brand new tudongs..heheh..

6. What’s something that can always make you feel better?
d ppl dat i love (if its person) laughter can make me feel better..i guess..

7. What are you excited for?
halloween day..coz d day is also my bday..

8. What were you doing yesterday?
woke up late, on9, on d phone wif farah,watched wwe..sum other dull things..hahaha..

9. Honestly, who was the last person to tell you they love you?
mama..wat mother wont say i luv u 2 her daughter?? hahahaha

10. What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
ice water..d most recent..saliva..hahahaha

11. Have a best friend?
of coz..but m hardly 2 consider sum1 as my bes fren..

12. Are you scared to fall in love?
yeah..coz m scared of hurting emo..hahaha...

13. Do you think teenagers can be in love?
yeah..xharm i think..

14. Last person you wanted to punch in the face?
wait3..i think farah..coz she's been 'kaco-ing' me about sumtg..a matter dat wont b discuss rite here..hahahaha..farah, m kidding..hehehe..

15. What time is it right this second?
12.38 am..(wathcing the nanny)

16. What do you want right now?
My bantal busoks..own a gud life..being love by all..hahah..pass all my exams..this list will goes on u noe?? hehehe..

17. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
my family..

18. Are you single/taken/heartbroken/or confused?
owhh..dis is hard..urmm..SINGLE!! hahahahaa..

19. When was the last time you cried?
cant recall..

20. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

21. Do you find it hard to trust others?

22. How fast does your mind change?

23. I bet you miss somebody right now. frens..

24. Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
yup! m okay..a lil bit of x centered..hahaha..

25. Why do you think so many people cheat?
coz they r stupid..they did x understand d real meaning of suppose 2 b do relationships n other things..

26. Tell me what's on your mind.
none..oh wait! yeah..finish this survey n sleep..

27. What are you looking forward to in the next three months?
i dunnoe wat serves for me in d i juz hope everytg's gonna b fine n goes as wat i wanted..i guess..hehehe

28. Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
dat is my style..

29. When did you last talk to your number 1 top friend?
if it's phone call then it's yesterday..if it's ym, it's today..hahahaha

30. When is your next road trip?
i dunnoe..waiting for it..hehehe

31. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell anything to?
yeah..but x all...limitation shall prevail..hahahaha

32. How's your heart?
good..pain is normal 4 me..but now, my heart is happy..

33. Have you ever felt like you weren't important?

34. Do you think somebody's in love with you?
I hope so..but i dunnoe who..

35. What are you planning on doing after this?

36. When will your next kiss take place?
uhh..i dunnoe..

37. Have you told anybody you loved them today?

38. Who do you not get along with?
cant expose here..

39. What does your 3rd recent text say?
along..talking bout her broadband problem..

40. What are you wearing right now?

41. Are you wasting your time on the person you like?
i dunnoe..maybe..but i hope not..

42. When's the last time you had a grilled cheese?
cant remember..

43. What's your favorite boy and girl name right now?
uhhh..zamri n nabila?? ok..zamri is my bro's name..n nabila is mine..hahahaha...

44. How did you feel when you woke up?

45. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?

46. Do you crack your knuckles?
i want to..but i nope..

47. What were you doing yesterday at midnight?
watched tv n playing my lappie..

48. What are your LEGAL initials?

49. Who's the first B in your contacts?
my classmate..balkis..hehehe

50. When was the last time you laughed really hard?
everyday everytime..just now..hahaha

51. Your number 1 top friend walks out of your life, do you go after him/her?
yes!! try my bes 2 stop dat person from goin away..

52. Last awkward moment?
urmm..cant remember..but really ackward..hahahaha

53. Are you afraid of the dark?

54. Do you have good vision?
no..i got 'silau'..hahaha

55. Have you ever tripped someone?

56. Have you ever slapped someone?
yes..feels gud u noe??

57. Are you Irish?
Nope..i am Malaysian..wish to be a spaniard..hahaha

58. Do you use chopstick?
yeah..when necessary..

59. Do you have any scars?
yeah..its normal for me..

60. Is there someone you will never forgive?
let it be a secret..

61. Do you laugh off embarrassing moments?

62. Name the last person to text you? cousin..

63. Would you marry someone 8 years older than you? dats my 'jodoh'..

64. Can you go in public looking like you do?
Yeah..i dun care..

65. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
dun long as near to the wall..

66. Is it easy for someone to make you smile?
depends on the person..

67. What's the first thing you'll do on your wedding day?
cry..m married?? nooooo..hahahaha...

68. Do you fall for people easily?
i guess not..

69. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?

70. Do you miss the way things used to be? must go on aitte??

71. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
uncountable..we shud think of other ppl's feelings first..

72. Song you're thinking of right now?
thinking of caprice feat annatasha..

73. Want someone back in your life?
no i think..everytgs gud..

74. Will tomorrow be better than today?
hope so..

75. What’s the color of you’re shirt you are wearing?
blue..light blue..hehehe..(m at all black all d time..hehehe)

76. Has anyone ever sung or played music for you personally?

77. Does it bother you when someone lies to you? feels lyk sh*t..

78. Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
yes of course..

79. Are you a naturally happy person? Or is your happiness forced?
naturally happy!! hehehe..

80. Is there anyone you wish would fall in love with you?
Yeah..*blush* i hope..oh fabregas..hehehe..i dun mind long as he really loves me..


ida..sorry ek coz ak x leh dtg ke bday ko..year yg akn mjd pnutop utk ko 'teen' lg..heheh..last teen..gtu..m so sorry..coz xde transportasi..sume x sggup nk anta..jauh sgt..hahaha..unless ko nk amek..ak xhal..hehehe..but..yeah..anyhow, adiah dh pon tsiap..kat sudut umah ak simpan..xde spe brani pgg..hehehe..xde la grand mane but i hope u'll lyk it..a simple

HAPPY BURPDAY..(in advance, coz swaktu ak type nie it is still 14/10..ak tkot x smpt nk bk lappie..) may God bless you..may all ur wishes come true..may we all stick 2geder..moge juge sgale mslh n rintangan akn dpt d hadapi bsme..pnjg umor n juge murah rejeki..ak akn doakan ko n sume org..

mke dgn itu..i hope dat u'll enjoy ur bday though m x gonna there..n u shud noe u r x alone  at all time coz u hv Allah, ur family n ur frens including me bside ur bday..coz its urs..x mine..if its mine, i'll rip it from u..hahaha..x..juz kidding..enjoy..hehe..n3..klo pnjg umor, i'll try 2 make it on ur nex bday..ok?? bsides..meen 2 kre ganti ak la..utk taun nie..hehehe..


p/s : u realise kan yg u org ptame i bt wish bday kat my blog?? hahaha..coz i pon bru realise..hahahahaha

pelangi idop ku..

ok..pulg ke lappie nie utk blog..cte utk rye xde..coz rye xde bnde pon..sungguh..duit rye je la smgt ak trime..smpe skunk dpt lg duit rye..hehehe..jgn jles..bju pon xde..i mean bju lpas rye artis lak..nk bt show..kan kne bnyk 2 la..hahahaha..latest nie ak bru bli jerseys lg..n jgn d lupe..suar tomoi..hahahaha...

exam?? exam cm exam exam..sush2 sronok2 gak la..xsabau nk blik..oh ye..ak lme tinggal nie sbb exam la..sbok bljar..konon cume doakan ak pass la..2 je..nk score gle babeng mmg x la..pass cukop la sumenye..serem blu roma ble pikiao ke? nott..time result nt bru mgeletar..kpale lutot tros longgar..hahahah..atete dbtnye..hahaha..

ok skunk nie dok dgr lgu thinking of you by caprice feat annatasha..dok la ulg lgu nie..bes gak klo bt love story lgu nieh..hahahaha..dh ak sdg cri lyrics nye..xde plak..adehh..

ok mke..skunk nie tgh cuti..mke..buhsan.xde bnde nk 2 ad gak g jejalan..heheh..bkn dkat2 nye..kdah tros..hahaha nt la cte..ok..daa..


p/s : ak xske org suspek2 ak smcm..xske tau..seumpama ak nie nyorok2 bt bnde xsnonoh..hahahaha..