Friday, February 13, 2009


lame gak ak x update blog..since ak blik melake..umm..nuttin much..kte cte psl study je la..x midterm for tis sem..diorg nk bt xperiment kat ktorg yg d ibaratkan as specimens..hurray but x 2 hurray..hurray coz xyah nk study rite now..leh tumpu kat esemen will be like me.. gle babeng..punye la bnyk..2 3 for a subj!! wtf?? xplik ke?? prsntation pon sme..sakai gle kot..xleh blah..try la nk dpt kan bnyk sket marks 4 both..nk cover tkot paper biol lak..dh la xtau markin scheme lecturer2..sat lg tkang2 lak ak..mker..cube sdye upaye utk jd rjin bt esemen..

utk subj english = ple 0025..kne bt drama..xke sakai?? ak ske's lyk a sumtg dat u can call as a dream comes true..ak dpt blkon!! heheh..d thg is script, prop n bla3 kne bt sndri..tjok cte is The Enormous Radio..its sounds bluek n d cte is very tgk kat u serious..dh zmn dlu kot...xpe la..old school..haha..its gonna b fun n happenin n interestin n 1 thg..yg ak xleh escape..ak tkot ak neves coz ak sesungguh nye pemalo..seriously..frh ida n lisa, jgn glak..sungguh weyhh..ak nie pmalo..sat lg ak merapu, xikot bt ayt sndrik kang..hehe..malo mslh nye, org akn kt, " ko nie bio btol! pmalo ke?? tau ke mksd malo 2??" kjaammmm..hahah..tgk le keadaan nye..ok kot..ntah le..script akn d bt xlame lg..its gunna b huge..4 us..hehe..oh!! lupe..dlm drama 2 ad ak frh ida lisa syida n akn jd wtk jntn?? frh la..coz die ad abg 'jntn'..hahaha..nnt ak cte bab 2..

utk bisnes = pbu kne bt bisnes..i mean a real 1..jual2 gonna b fun..but exhaustin also..bdsrkan pngalamn..hehe..mke..kmi akn bncgkan la bab nie nnt..coz kne combine anor definitely, x jual2 dri (idea frh..)..frh kt klo xde idea sgt, jual je dri..ida esp..hehe..ske ak..kye kot..rm 5 per tgk..spe xnk?? u noe wat i meant rite?? (2 ida n frh..) hehehe..

dah! fin!

p/s: ak mule mnyengal..

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