Thursday, December 31, 2009


well3..hello there ppl of d seems that we are approaching 2010..a brand new year..n so..m wishing all of u a very HAPPY NEW YEAR..hahaha..feeling lyk a female santa rite new year's resolution..urmm..i have none..yet..i guess..hahahah..well..last year's resolutions pon dah dun noe whether dh tcapai ke blom..but i said earlier, i'm spontaneous type of person..when i want it to happen, i'll make it happen..hopefully x delay..n x limit of time..nothing to aim..ok..x 2 say nothing, i have except it's the usuals..happiness, berkat from Allah swt, to be a better person, n bla3..n so..x limit in aiming sumtg..

life..i'm gud wif things happened all tis years..myb searching for more frens..maintaining wats already there..maybe pushing sumtg forward..pulling sumtg behind..i dun noe..hoping for less drama..though excitement always, i mean ALWAYS comes from there (drama)..hahaha..anyhow..i hope for d best..May Allah bless us cant wait for wat God will serve us all..dun make it too spicy..hahahaha..mild is enuff..

education..urmm..i guess nid better gpas, cgpas..hahah..well..hope so..laziness is so helping me..ahaha..

love..i dun put hope much..since i have no luck on these things, always..kinda bored n sick of it too..n too young for i dun mind..if 2010 is my love year, cool..if x, its ok..n bsides, if it makes more heartache to me, better to say no then..hahaha..i dun want to say any further..juz wait n c..heheheh..still..i luv u my bantal busok..hahahaha..

watever it is, juz wait..wait it to happen..n then..we can say bout it..ok?? but sum things shud be kept n not to say it..myb spray it..hahahaha


p/s: ppl always make their new year's resolutions..but will they eva get it right on time? NO..mostly..hahahahaah...