Tuesday, May 4, 2010

this is how the beat drops

Hahaha..kini ak rse spt bebas..wlopon mseh dlm mood final..final paper next week..tp tbe2 ak rse nk tulis blog..currently in the bilik kace fbl alone..waiting to meet mdm wai2..academic advisory thingy..so smbel dgr lgu fuck2 nie..fer sure by the medic droid..thx to tira kt lgu nie bes..ak pon smgt la dgr..yer..ak mmg dh ske sblm die surh dgr..ak tmbh ske ble dl lgu nie..wlopon lgu nie leyh jhnmkn pale otak ak..mmpu mengerohkan kaler otak ak..censored gler kot..sgle fuck2..panties drop..jeez n etc..hahaha..

Ok..2 bkn motive utame ak..motive utama adlh..ak rse ak epy..coz..ak rse..ak dh pndai control emotions ak..n also..x more emotional roller coaster dh..dlm ati ak nie..tng dh..Alhamdulillah..wlopon dgr lgu xelok tp ati dh tng sket..ak epy gle la..xde la nk emosi2..kre ok la..hahaha..u r so x gonna affect me anymore..cm 2..hahahah..all of d sudden..ak mule rsekn kmbli bhwe ak seorg yg sadist..love to see or to inflict pain on others..x in sexual kinda way like been written in d dictionary la..juz normal pain..hahaha..xde kaitan kn? Xpe..ak cume sje je nk mention..coz ad org kt ak cm 2..hahahaa..


P/s: lgu nie jge tlh mjhnmkan bhse ak..I mean..lihat la post nie..cm xleyh blah..bhse2 yg agk kurg ajr..sush..rare utk ak type cmnie..bhse x tkwl lgsong..lnx la..hahahah..

"all these time is wasted, pretending we're in love but that's alright coz you know I love being with you n seeing you cry.."

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