Monday, August 30, 2010

i love you / te quiero / saranghae / aisheteru yo!!

oh..i think i'm falling in love with u..those sexy eyes..the deep voice of yours..they melt me in a sec..the way u move, i cant see anything else except u..some people may say that you have a very bad boy face with the attitude to pair with..but deep down, you are a really innocent, childish and blur guy..that makes me attracted to may have this 'attitude' thing but that doesn't even bother me..coz behind the 'attitude', u are kinda's rare to see you smile, but once you smile, it became just like this :3 cute is that..we may not compete on dressing styles coz u are far more advance than trend..but when you're lazy, even with just a a tshirt or a hoodle and a pair of jeans, you look fabulous..when you sleep, the part where to wake you up, that makes me even attracted to you..i never knew that it is so hard to wake you up..but the face of yours, is the most adorable expression..oh so priceless..i wanna pinch you cheeks..whenever you make those stupid expressions or even when you smile..hey! we have something in common, when we smile, our eyes seems to close..hehehe..but i envy you since you can open it wider than me..hahaha..though you have this kinda rap way of speaking, i dont seems to suit you stand up well with that..but, among all these, you always gets me with your silly chicken/duck dance..i cant stop laughing seeing you dance..but that makes me more into you..oh..i'm in love you..

fin.. *love*

p/s : if you are the assassin, the one who must kill me, then i shall die voluntarily with a happy heart.. :D


Lisa Zamani said...

hulamakss angau beraaaat niii =)

Anonymous said...

angaauuuuuu! :P
don't die yet! if not nanti i'll snatch him from yuuue.

mandy said...

lisa : hehehe..agak la gak..

tira : diam..shusshh..ko snatch, siap! ak snatch blik duda ko tu..hahaha..rahsiakan sahajaaa..