Tuesday, July 19, 2011

learn about scorpion people through this!


Discover the mysteries of the Scorpio...

If you're reading this, chances are that you're baffled by a Scorpio man or woman!

They are known to be the most mysterious out of all the zodiac signs, and it's very true, the Scorpio personality really does live up to it's stereotype.

There are a few variations that can occur amongst people to make them all slightly different like (the influence of other planets in their astrology chart) but all Scorpio men and women will fall into the same style of categories.

You've come to the right place, explaining the mysterious astrology sign just got simpler with this Scorpio-only web site purely dedicated to the most mysterious astrology sign. Now you can figure them out and unravel the mystery. Make sense of your Scorpio man (or woman)!
Are you ready?

The first and most important point you need to know is that this astrology sign is all about power. Part of the Scorpio mystery is the passion and intensity they have within themselves. They are all-or-nothing people, a Scorpio will never be wishy-washy, they are very intense. Always striving for power, it can be vicious struggle when someone tries to overtake them or run their projects for them.

They dedicate themselves to their endeavors fully and won't allow anyone to step on their toes. If this happens, they will put up a fight. Their passion comes through power and once you understand this, you can live more peaceably with a Scorpio. The most important tip you should take away from reading this: let them have their power! Don't worry, you can trust them with all the power because they are very meticulous and can handle it very well.

They're not power hungry just for the sake of having power. They relish it and handle it well, they transform it into great things so you can trust their decisions. If you were to let any astrology sign take control, let it be the Scorpios because they are very good at it.

One of the reasons that Scorpio is so power hungry is because they don't like surprising outcomes. If they are in control then they know what to expect in any given situation. They hate surprises, they always like to know what's happening and what the outcome of the situation is which is the main reason why they need to be in control.
Got it? Good. Let's move on!

They are very secretive about their true feelings. Their true thoughts are kept under wraps at all time. The conflicting thing is that the Scorpio is very sensitive. This can be a bad combination for them and also for others close to them because they can react in outbursts instead of expressing gently their true feelings.

They think that if they show their feelings it's a sense of vulnerability and the Scorpio sign comes back to being powerful, a powerful person is never vulnerable, they can't handle that so they put up a front of being like a rock when in fact they are very sensitive.

How do you handle a person like this? When you are speaking with them just keep in mind that things you say that can hurt their feelings can easily offend them. Remember their animal sign, the scorpion. They have a hard shell and can sting if someone gets in their way, threatens them or hurts them.

It's very easy to offend them but they won't show it like some other signs will. If you have a Pisces friend and say something offensive to them, they'll let you know that was not appropriate but with a Scorpio girlfriend, boyfriend or friend, you'll offend them and they won't tell you and then they'll hold a grudge against you and you won't even know it!

Then what happens next is they seem to be "off" and you don't know why, only to have them upset at you about what you said and you have no idea their upset in the first place, they never confronted you about it! It' comes back to the mystery again. You have to tread carefully around the Scorpio but once you do, you can handle them easily.

Got this lesson? Choose your words carefully! 

Having their emotions all wrapped up in a hidden shell to protect their power means to us onlookers that they only allow the surface of themselves to show. Think of them like an iceberg, you only see a little bit of the surface and everything else is hidden in the depths!

They have incredible self restraint in public and around others, even to people who are close to them. If you think that the Scorpio is a simple shallow person, think again, they are holding their true selves under a shell of restraint. Another aspect to their mystery!

Think of the solid shell of the scorpion, it's almost un penetrable and if you try to get in, you can be stung! But we're unraveling this quiet well, are you following so far, you understand where the mystery comes from and how they hide themselves?

By now you're probably very excited about everything you've just learned. But there's more! 

Maybe you're reading this because a Scorpio has hurt you or left you confused. They can definitely sting with their words in a release of anger. They are the sign of the scorpion after all!

This usually occurs when their power had been threatened, or if they feel you are stepping on their toes. They actually like being mysterious and untouchable and if you claim that you can read through them or see their motives, they will get very threatened by that. They need to be kept at arms length from everyone.

Here's the next tip for handling the Scorpio, even though so far you're able to see inside their motives and see what they are doing, Don't tell them! Keep it a secret! Never tell them that you're reading this information because they don't want to be reveled!

Keep this information away from them, you can secretly handle their intensity easily and they will just think you're so great because you never piss them off, offend them and you let them have the reins of power.
Once you know this, they're a little easier to deal with, aren't they!

Scorpios are very suspicions of liars, cheaters and anything that can threaten their power. They soak up everything like a sponge, when you tell them some gossip, they store that away for later reference if needed.

A Scorpio is not a gossip for the sake of gossip, but they keep this information for their own use. They need to see if they can trust the person. Once you break a Scorpio's trust, you can consider yourself up the creek without a paddle. They loose their trust easily and are known for holding grudges so don't expect them to forget, forgive and move on anytime soon.

In fact, they re the worst sign at forgiving do if you plan on cheating on them, sleeping around (in the case of a relationship) or if you're not an honest friend, you better find yourself a different sign to align with. As soon as the Scorpio finds you out, you're done to them.

They're excellent detectives so never underestimate their sleuthing skills! They can easily play dumb, it's all the facade of trying not to reveal too much of themselves. This point is very important, maybe you should write it down. Always be honest and up front with them at all times to prevent any outbursts! 

Ready to move on? 

When Scorpio gets an idea in their head, they go all the way. They will refuse to be derailed or have their opinions changed. Another way to co exist peacefully with Scorpio is to let them be with their ideas.

They can welcome suggestions but make sure that you never give them as commands. Instead of saying "you should do this" say "what do you think about this". It's very important to take a sideline approach when a Scorpio is determined to do something because once they have their mind set on a goal, nothing can come in their way. Let them flourish, achieving goals is one of their specialties and that's what they do best.

Sometime they might even ignore you when they're on a roll, don't take this personally and never corner them asking for more attention while they're busy. The need time to finish their project and then they'll come back to you. It doesn't mean they love you any less, it just means that they're busy right now accomplishing a goal.

Don't be sensitive towards them because they won't stand for it. This is a huge irony because Scorpio is so sensitive but they will not tolerate the opposite while they're busy accomplishing a goal! You need to learn to compromise between yourself and the goal of a working Scorpio!
You have to compromise becuase they won't. Got it? Let's move on. 

We touched on clinginess a little bit in the previous lesson. It needs to be noted that the Scorpio is one of the most clingy, jealous signs out there. They live by the mantra "if I cant have you, no one will" They will be every demanding, very clingy. Depending on your astrology sign and what you think of this, it can be great thing or a complete detriment.

If you like to feel needed and want to be with the person 24/7, the Scorpio man or women is a great match for you. If you are an independent person and like to be free, then move along and pick another independent astrology sign.

The Scorpio in love is not necessarily an emotional lover but they will make you feel like the most important person in the world. They will do anything to protect you, they will be your knight in shining armor. They will be very jealous of others and you have to be aware that this is only because they love you. This is how you can tell it's real love.

Remember they will keep their true emotions in check and not even say the magic "L" word, but they sure will show you. Actions speak louder then words and if you wonder if he loves you, ask yourself "do you feel protected"? If you do, then you know it's love!

An important thing to note is that you can never be too demanding of approval from Scorpio. They will think this is lack of self confidence and that's huge turn-off for this sign. They love confidence and people who are sure of themselves and if you always need to be fishing for compliments then they'll think that's insecurity or being too unsure and they'll pass you along for someone who is more sure of themselves.

Got this lesson? They'll show their love rather then express it in words. If they protect you, they like you. 

If you're trying to attract a Scorpio, either male or female, then the best way to get them to like you is be a be a challenge. They don't like something easy on a platter that they can take. They love a challenge. They love working to achieve something. It goes back again to power.

If they can chase you, work for you and seduce you, then they have the power to win. Make sure that you don't give it up right away. That's difficult because Scorpio is the sign of power and sex, lust and seduction. They will gladly sway you to have their way but make sure you stay at arms length and let them chase you for a while first, and the after they've got you, you're set. Stop running or they'll think you're fake or flaky. They like "sure" people, remember?

Once they start being protective and jealous over you, then you're set so no more need for running. Now you should settle down and follow their lead and you'll be set forever with the Scorpio. (As long as you heed the important points above!)

If you've got yourself a Scorpio love for the first time and you know how to manage their feelings and not stop make them upset, you're in for a treat, they are the most passionate lovers, they are so intense.

They will provide for you, be your best friend as well as your lover. The passion and intensity is never boring. They are wonderful people to know if they let you get close You need to watch what you say, make sure not to lie or be insecure, share their passion and determination and if you follow this set of rules, these complex people can be the most rewarding friends and lovers.


p/s : now, basically those who are reading this, i assume you can predict how i am as a person..coz most of it is true..so, buckle up coz im gonna rock your world! hehehehe

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