Tuesday, November 30, 2010
and who said TOP cant sing?
Monday, November 29, 2010
what i wanna be, when i was young..

"i dont feel happy..i am all so sappy..dont be like me..it is scary..like living in solitary.."
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Chullos have been used in the Andean Mountain region since pre-Hispanic times and wearing different types and colors has a significance among the Andean natives."
i dont even know why..but i like wearing it when im at home..but i only have one..and an old one..a black and white chullo..hehehe..maybe coz it's warm and comfy..and so, i did planned to buy some more of this chullo..suggestions? hehehe
this afternoon, i went to ain's house..she was shocked..i guess..seeing me wearing chullo..since malaysia's hot..and not many will wear chullos in malaysia..she said.."is this inspired by TOP or what? are you copying him? lol" well, lol..dear ain, im not..i love chullos since young..since i think it's cute! lol well..eventually, it just happened that TOP wore chullos too..but he's more to beanies that chullos..hehehe..so, here is a picture of him wearing a chullo..cute eyh? lol

but i like g-dragon's chullo better..since it's bigger and longer..i wanna search and buy that kind of chullos..

somehow, i kinda like beanies too..and big snow caps..like those that can cover till your eyes..but still..im sticking with chullos..since the pattern is always unique..and not many people will wear it, especially in malaysia..heheheh..I LOVE UNIQUENESS..heheheh
p/s : where can i find them in cheaper price in malaysia?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Love Language
The day is done, and you've come to find
The words are fleeting, I hear your quiet breathing
Is something wrong?
You come on two knees, with more than two needs
Finding that it's all too easy
To be helped and found
You slept and he said
It is in you, to carry on
It is in you, to lay down fears that hold
It is in you, to find your way home
Daylight's coming, the sun is blazing
New beginnings seep into you
But in the end it's distant shadows
That finally overwhelm your senses
And this time around
Is it love that you crown?
And this time around
You'll be more than who you are
It is in you, to carry on
It is in you, to lay down fears that hold
It is in you, to find your way home
Whoa oh oh oh...
Could you find yourself a way home? (4x)
It is in you, to carry on
It is in you, (ohh) to lay down fears that hold
It is in you, (ohh) to find your way home
song title : peaches
neyo - one in a million lyrics
Go getter
Nothing better
Call me Mr. been there done that
Top model chick to your every day hood rat
Less than all but more than a few
But I've never met one like you
Been all over the world
Done a little bit of everything
Little bit of everywhere
With a little bit of everyone
All the girls I've been with
Things I've seen it takes much to impress
But sure enough you go it makes your soul stand up from all the rest
I can be in love
But I just don't know
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it's working
All the girls don't matter
In your presence can't do what you do
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you
Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
You're not a regular girl
You don't give a damn about your look
Talking about I can't do it for you
But you can do it for yourself
Even though that ain't so
Baby cause my dough don't know how to end
But that independent thing I'm with it
All we do is win baby
I could be in love
But I just don't know
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it's working
All the girls don't matter
In your presence can't do what you do
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you
Baby you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
Timing girl
Only one in the world
Just one of a kind
She mine
Ooh all that I can think about is what this thing could be
A future baby
Baby you're one of a kind
That means that you're the only one for me
Only one for me
Baby (girl) you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
ciara - and i
Thursday, November 25, 2010
TOP's silver hair?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
to act as if nothing's wrong (big show)
Monday, November 22, 2010
TIRA!! LIHAT INI!! [pic spam]

do you believe in it?

well..last night..me and tira were skype-ing and stuff..then we decided to just do our work..which is tort..then..because of the tension that created by the assignment, we ended up *while doing the assignment, duhh~~* finding the things relating to our horoscopes..like the personality of a sign, compatibility, rising sun, moon sign and stuff..lol..it's funny since tira has mistakenly believed that her mars is incompatible to her..well..depending on the sign itself..

big bang's photoshooting for 2011 calendar n diary
Sunday, November 21, 2010
TOP lalala~
i'm zombified.

Thursday, November 18, 2010
love the hair!

well..hey! right now..i mean..recently..im so into futurama..well i used to watch it when i was a young child..around the age of 8 or 9..recently..im so eager to watch a series..i thought of the simpsons...and suddenly it reminds me of futurama..so..i've decided to watch it here..i think it's complete here..so yeah..that's about it..hehehe..but i'll watch it slowly since the work's starting to pile up..hehehe..
Sunday, November 14, 2010
blackberry a.k.a bb = b***

Friday, November 12, 2010
[TRANSLATIONS] TOP Numero Magazine Interview Japan

1. What is your dream for BIGBANG and for yourself as a solo artist?
BIGBANG is just like a family, so we aim the same thing no matter what place we’re at. Our dream is to make another legend(?)-like stage, just like what we’ve done this far. We want to be the valuable ones so that everyone can call “the time of BIGBANG”. *it will happen honey! lol!*
2. What’s the difference between doing the stage with BIGBANG and as a solo artist?
For my solo experience, I get to experience acting in movies and dramas. It’s not like music at all. I want to keep my acting career going as long as there are people who still want to see me act. Yet I’m not at the place where I get to pick what I want to act because I’m still a newbie. But I want to surprise fans for my next character and hoped that it would be awesome. *hope to see more of his acting..speaking of that, when am i gonna watch MY19..haihhh..will watch it soon! :D*
3. Recently, what moved you the most while doing stages with BIGBANG?
Every day is a success and it moves me. The fact that I live this life every day is touching. *aww..it's like a wisdom..he really appreciates his life..we should too..*
4. The most happy moment privately with just yourself?
Half a year ago, many things had happened, but the happiest thing for me was the hit movie which I was in, “Into the Fire”, and many people approved my acting in the movie. *that movie is so awesome! glad he won the award for that movie of his! :D*
5. What roles do you members play in a team?
The other members are saying that I’m the baby, the child, but I’m actually the oldest one so I play the father too. *laughs* I play both sides. *lmao! so not! i think he's more of the baby rather than the dad..he's so playful..n mischievous..lol naughty baby tabi!*
6. What do you think an ideal man needs to have?
Men with dignity. Always gentle, free spirited, and wise. I want to be a man who is not embarrassed from anything. *aww~~ u'll be that man..u will..*
7. The place which you want to go to the most?
My hotel room *laughs* *what? lol*
8. The thing you want to get?
There are too many, can’t pick. *laughs* *just said u want everything..it would be better..hahaha*
9. The most precious thing you have now?
Huge bearbrick figure which is the size of a kindergarten child. I feel good even when I’m just looking at it. That and the fans! *gosh! that big? lol see! u are a baby! baby tabi! lol! awww~ u r so adorable having that and happy by just lookin at it..lol! but i want one toooooo!!! lol*
10. Your type of girl?
A girl who thinks or likes what I do. A girl who can lead. *i guess that's y u like older women..u even said infinity for age gap..sigh..hahah still..i love ya! lol*
11. The difference between Japanese and Korean girls?
I don’t know much about Japanese girls…. just the fans of BIGBANG, I think they are both calm. *awww~ he's being nice..isnt he?*
12. Store you usually shop in Japan?
Here and there, I go to Yaoyama center.
13. Brand you like?
14. What do you consider the most when you style yourself?
(13 & 14) I like John Galliano the best. I like classical suits, so also Thom Browne and Givenchy.*gosh! i'm so in love with u! we have the same taste! i like guys with classical suits! it brings the 'retro-ness' in that guy..and they will look good and stylish..hehehe plus..i love givenchy...hahaha*
15. Artist you want to work with?
I want to ask Murakami Takashi to design my solo album cover! I think my thoughts are similar to his work, so I’ll be glad if I can ask him for a design. I want to know what person he is and what thoughts he has. I so want to meet and talk to him. *cant wait to hear ur next piece~*
16. What have you been thinking recently besides music?
I’m considering what kind of movie I can do next after the movie, “Into the Fire”. *funny movies would be cool..since u are funny..and naughty..hahaha*
Japanese to Korean Translation: DCTOP
Korean to English Translation: HuisuYoon@21BANGS.com
tabi tabi TABI! lol!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
g dragon - this love lyrics (translated)
This love in my thuggin' G's in, uh
I'm straight falling, that's right yeah, yeah, yeah,
This is song for y'all, yeah
For no reason today seems sadder than other days
I miss you
Now I can't say those words any more
I can't even be at your side to watch over you; this must be the end
No matter how I look at it I was stupid
I inflated false expectations and misunderstood
Yea you have a boyfriend I know that
I don't know why but it makes me like you more and more
My friends say I'm a fool
Is she really that fine? Get your act together, she was messing with you
I don't care, it doesn't matter to me
If this is the only way I can see you it's enough for me
This love I'm never falling in love again
When I see my haggard face I wonder why I'm so stupid
This love Hey you, already gone and disappeared
Never returning: fly far, far away to behind the clouds
My story has no real heart or meaning; this is like one minus two
September nineteenth I'm left alone on your birthday
Alone I'm a fallin' love shady
Do you remember? When I passed the night outside your house
I grew nervous as I waited for you
While holding a dozen roses I was already excited
But contrary to my expectations you didn't come out; the rain fell
It was only then I decided to let go
Inside your heart there must be someone else; comfort me
I'm sorry; I didn't even know that and put you on the spot (yes)
Now I'm alone again (one love)
This love I'm never falling in love again
When I see my haggard face I wonder why I'm so stupid
This love Hey you, already gone and disappeared
Never returning: fly far, far away to behind the clouds
My story has no real heart or meaning; this is like one minus two
September nineteenth I'm left alone on your birthday
Alone I'm a fallin' love shady
What am I supposed to do? Loving you
Feels like a crime; my heart is so tired right now
I want to find your guy and talk to him – we can't do this
Now I'm crazy, without you for me
This love now forgotten, buried in time
Erasing all traces from memory, why my heart hurts like this
This love so tender, too young to love
All those memories: fly far, far away to behind the clouds
This love, this love, this love, this love, this love, this love (ye)
This love, this love, this love, this love, this love, this love, ooh~
Ooh~ hoo, ooh~ hoo, ye, ye, ye, yeah yeiyeiye
Ooh~ hoo, ooh~ hoo this love ye, yeah
Hey J, look at me
After you left, it ain't the same
I'm not what I used to be
It hurts so much, you know
I need you girl
Always, all time… this love