Sunday, November 14, 2010

blackberry a.k.a bb = b***

u know y i give that title? coz my bb kene rasuk dengan hantu setan aper ntah..aku dah cam k***ks btol mende has been a while dah..sepanjang this week la..meragam cam aper started off dengan touchpad/trackpad die tu..die cm merewang..ak ke slide die ke kiri, die g ke atas ke mana2 ke..then..lama2 tu, die pstu buka file mana2 then ntah pape..recently die nye menu and back button lak bt the lock button pon cm p****k.. ak mmg hangit gler barbs la nie kan..n skrg klo call, die mute, off mute lgsg x dgr aper ak ckp..n annoyed coz it's constant beeping..2 mende yg btol2 functioning, i mean yg still ok adalah green and red button..yg len hampeh..keypad leyh klo dh nk buka text msg pon xleyh, inikan nk type..mmg haram jadah x dpt la kan..

good thing, it can still functioning as a modem..lagi laju internet die dari hari2 biase..wic got me thinking jugak kan..xpe long yg tu leyh function well..then..ak bsyukur la gak..and another good thing is nasib baik ad anor nokia 5720..xde internet xpe..jnji leyh call n text org..emergency case kan..wahai hp ku norkiah, ak syg ko, dlu kini n selamanya..bkn ak xmau guna ko, cume xde spe nk call ak gune no yg ad pada mseh bfungsi swktu utk ak call delivery, time2 bb abes battery and others..ak sbnrnye mmg syg gle ngn ko..n skrg btmbh syg..


p/s : BAK KATA IDA, MAKIN CANGGIH MAKIN CEPAT ROSAK..100000000000% agreed!

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